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watch Familiar Spirit

This is a short promo for the series we are working on. I'd love some feedback on it.

I would think the girl should look more like some type of human looking interference. Here, it looks what it is. A girl walking around the parking playing??
So what?

Who cares?

I don't get it.

Those are my initial reactions. It did nothing to peak my interest. Even the "explanation" doesn't make any sense; either the cameras work, or they do not - why should a solar flare make any difference in what is recorded. The "special" effects, even with the degraded look, were unconvincing.
@Murdock Thanks for the honest input. I'll keep that in mind. The goal of the video was to show it as semi supernatural and not a cliche' ghost effect, since the premise was that we are getting a glimpse into their world. I'll work out the kinks for the actual scenes in the production, because this does not appear in the series.

@Alcove the explanation doesn't say they stopped working, just that it interfered with the electrical signal. I guess you have to be a sci-fi fan to really get it. Solar flares in sci-fi are responsible for traveling to different dimensions, back and forth through time, and all sorts of other unexpected things when the technology is disrupted by them.

However, I appreciate your feedback because I assumed that everyone was familiar with the sci-fi concept presented. Explaining that concept is not conducive to the storyline, so that is something I'm going to scrap and and just leave the interaction between the spirit and the humans the way it is.