Fake Blood

Should I make it or buy it?

I'm thinking of buying it as there are too many recipes all over the internet and I really don't have the time to see which one will work best. Plus, I need about half-a-gallon of it, so that would probably make buying the ingredients as expensive as purchasing pre-made blood. Any thoughts?

I mean, does anyone know of any precise (most recipes I've seen aren't precise at all, with no given exact quantities of how much of some ingredient to add) good recipes for fake blood?
make it. get the dark corn syrup, red food coloring and a drop of blue. also get some liquid coffee creamer to help make it somewhat opaque. Mix and enjoy.

I get 2 bottles at Kroger of the corn syrup, add a bottle of Red and 2 -4 drops of blue and then 2-3 tbsp of coffee creamer

You will need to water it down to make it spray otherwise it will be too thick. Play w/ it before the shoot know what effect you are looking for and how to mix it to get the effect.. TEST, TEST, TEST ohh and wear gloves, that crap is STICKY !!

Bottom line is that if you buy premade, you will still need to mess w/ it to get it to behave the way you want. If you are doing wounds, you might want a gel formulation like Ben Nye sells
Make it if you can. (After all you are an Indie Filmmaker, saving money is always good)

Chocolate Syrup always works as a great base.
And if the actors don't want to ruin their clothes, Laundry Detergent. Easier to clean!
Mix and experiment. But with the detergent, ask the actors before hand about it.
Cause you don't want any allergic reactions on set.
If you're on a time sensitive shoot, then go for the store-bought..

'Coz making your own and getting it "right" takes a fair amount of time - as you said, there are HEAPS of recipes out there.
If you have the stomach for it, just see if you can stop by a butcher shop and get pig and/or cow blood. Also they often have intestines if need be.

Errrr, can't say I'm a huge fan of that. I imagine that it'd raise a lot of issues in terms of hygiene... also, I'd be having a harsh word with the FX department if they tried to cover me with real blood, haha.