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watch Faceless - A New Short

Beautiful work. Get a business plan together and pitch away. Go to seminars they are out there. Don't let the bad economy slow you down.

Quick thing work on audio. Audio sounded kinda like they were talking down a hall. I know how hard audio can be for low budget films. Just keep your ears open to that stuff.
Beautiful work. Get a business plan together and pitch away. Go to seminars they are out there. Don't let the bad economy slow you down.

Quick thing work on audio. Audio sounded kinda like they were talking down a hall. I know how hard audio can be for low budget films. Just keep your ears open to that stuff.

Hey about the audio. Was it specific scenes? It sounded fine to me but i'm not an audio guy.
Congrats and well done on this short. I really enjoyed it, but then I really enjoy all of your work. Keep up the excellent work and thanks for sharing and entertaining us with nice quality.
I must say I absolutely loved it. It was perfect in every single way for me, the story completely drove my attention, and every thing seemed to fit seemingly. The acting was great, the photography even better.
I loved it too! You never cease to amaze me on every single new short you bring out with no budget.
If you're ever working in California or anywhere near, you should give me a call, I'd love to work with you, as a crew member.
... not cast hahaha
Fantastic work.

The end actually surprised me. I thought the final blow will be that someone will use a mask on him as he used on everyone during the film. Still, awesome.

One thing i did not like was that in a couple of shots the main character had sweat on his back. That's never nice :)

Keep it up!