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watch Excellent Haircuts

Uranium City

Pro Member

This is completely crowdsourced, and by crowdsourced I mean I got much of my source material from you guys, the Indietalk crowd!

I had written a jazzy, beatnik-like street poem about the death of barbershops and wanted to capture it on film. I asked you all for images of barbershops a year or more ago and you came through in spades! So much good stuff, in all kinds of formats. Ernest Worthing's black and white image of his barbershop plays a central role (embellished just slightly with the help of photoshop), and Flicker Picturer's contributions make up the bulk of historical images. I had fun shooting the still life images in macro of the shit you find on a barber's shelves.

My problems were all audio. I have a much more pastoral style of voice-over and couldn't nail the temp and cadence like I wanted. I was looking for Jack Kerouac like he sounded on his sixties spoken word recordings. I couldn't do it justice, so I asked Flicker Pictures to do it, and five minutes later he sent me 87 takes, each more perfect than the last. I gave him one note and five minutes later he sent me 145 takes, each of which could be considered final. It was astonishing.

I tried to add percussion via barbershop sound effects but it just wasn't doing it justice so I enlisted the help of an old drummer friend from high school. He spent about three months on it and just Tuesday sent me one copy, which was perfect. If Jeff's narration was Thelonious Monk, Will was Gene Krupa accompanying him. Sonic perfection, and just what I was looking for to tie this piece together.

What strikes me is the excitement everyone shared surrounding this little thing. I'll share a story...Wheatgrinder had just upgraded to HDSLR equipment but the same weekend I asked for barbershop pictures he had gotten a Super 8 app for his iPhone and was having lots of fun with it. The haunting image he took via this app of his barber is the image that closes the film.

All paths are valid, all equipment is valid. We are storytellers and there are vast amounts of different equipment we can use.

Thanks, everyone, for your contributions!
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This came together quite nicely. Watched it three times. Narration and music go so well together.

I'd actually forgotten about the project. Lovely surprise and great to see familiar names in collaboration.

Any plans for a vimeo version?