> Examination: YouTube Top Content Providers

Please visit
Social Brain Wave
@ facebook to learn more about how a group of us are
helping promote the works of the individual members to
a level that is beyond what could be done alone.

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This is the investigation, analysis, and dissection of the top youtube content providers defined by those with the most subscribers.

The intent is that by understanding what elements go into the concept, design, execution, and promotion of market valued content that we ourselves may adopt some of these practices in developing our own content.

Why would we want to do that?
Why would we even care?

For my own reason -
From the light research I've conducted in crowdsourcing at the beginning of the filmmaking process and the marketing and promotion of the completed film products the key is to come to the table having already cultivated a following.
> Cold calling for fi$cal attention is grossly ineffective.
> Bring an interested crowd to your crowdsourcing campaign.
> Bring an interested crowd to marketing and promoting your finished film.

I would like to see some of the reasons others here at IT are interested in top youtube content providers.
Zen Steve?
Lucky Hardwood?
Icba Pictures?
Paul Griffith?
Any one else?




Looks interesting: http://willvideoforfood.com/


OVS = Online Video Studio
OVC = Online Video Company



This looks waaaaaay more complicated than just hanging out your shingle and hassling your family, friends, and forum friends to watch and subscibe.

Getting a little off the path with this one: http://videoproductiontips.com/equipment-needed-to-set-up-a-simple-video-studio/
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One suggestion I'd have is to talk money before too much goes ahead. While I understand its like a pick up game of football, the last positive thing that should happen is it turn into the NFL and have all participants in court squabbling over who gets their share of the multi billion empire.

Hope this makes sense.
I might be up for collaboration on something like that, MetalRenard. I think I've been doing more vocal/acoustic recording in my recent work, so I might be able to fill in some gaps there.
If one of us was interested in hosting a central clearinghouse channel, they could then pimp the content uploads from everyone else. This assumes that the central channel "talk show" gets popular enough to actually do us any good. I would suggest a new show every week with some BS current/trending "news" items (preferably hosted by a hot chick in skimpy clothing) during which the host(ess) plugs the latest and greatest content of all of the members of coalition. I'm working on setting up a studio in my shop and would be willing to have a go at trying to cast a hostess and shoot the episodes.
What do you think about a centralized channel which pimps the other channels? So, an interview / promotional / news piece for indie creators? I'm sure something similar exists, but maybe not. Everybody contributes a bit of something to the main with the intent of reciprocal coverage back.
THAT's exactly what I was talking about back in post #24:
I've been wondering if we should put together a small cadre or consortium of youtubers.
I make a channel.
You make a channel.
Three or four or more of us each make our channels.
Then we both cross promote each other while keeping a close eye on each other's content under a separate umbrella or folio channel, like a magazine employing different journalists under the same cover, which is how they do it in some of those links in the first post.
Just an idea.
And YES! Something like that definitely does exist.
Somewhere in that list of top youtube channels is a group of half-dozen animators that each put out their own animation shows under a sungle channel.
The idea I posed certainly isn't original. ;)

One suggestion I'd have is to talk money before too much goes ahead. While I understand its like a pick up game of football, the last positive thing that should happen is it turn into the NFL and have all participants in court squabbling over who gets their share of the multi billion empire.

Hope this makes sense.
Makes 100% perfect sense.
I just hadn't really considered that the project would get so far as to be worth haggling over the, if any, revenue from advertising.
However, I do agree that haggling over money is a good way to ruin a perfectly good principle-prover.

I will also begin looking into how similar programs are financially managed (open call here for relevant links and leads!) and subjects such as revenue sharing.

This is a good point, actually.

If one of us was interested in hosting a central clearinghouse channel, they could then pimp the content uploads from everyone else. This assumes that the central channel "talk show" gets popular enough to actually do us any good. I would suggest a new show every week with some BS current/trending "news" items (preferably hosted by a hot chick in skimpy clothing) during which the host(ess) plugs the latest and greatest content of all of the members of coalition. I'm working on setting up a studio in my shop and would be willing to have a go at trying to cast a hostess and shoot the episodes.
Now, you're taking the base idea to the next level! :yes: : A hosted channel.
I was thinking we could eventually work our way up to that and would be a bit aggressive in the beginning.

HOWEVER... , if you've got the resources to pull that off I think it's great.
Lord knows it would certainly provide additional positive pressure on each of us to maintan our dedication to our individual programs.

I think we should each do what we can.
No picking on "the slow guy" or exessive praise of "the overachiever."
I do what I can do.
You do what you can do.
We all try to help each other out.
Build relationships, even if they're not perfectly balanced.
When it's time for someone to move on to greater projects elsewhere the collective we wish 'em the best of luck.
And if someone wants to still maintain a presence in the group - FINE!
And when someone wants to join the group - FINE!

Just like figuring out how to handle the "Group" revenue, (and we probably will start figuring out active and passive roles/jobs in the group management), we might need to establish some minimum technical criteria to keep complete cr@p out of the group (but I'd want this bar to be pretty darn low, like cell phone video quality or better low) and some content restrictions, (G, PG, PG-13 material... and a existing member vote on R quality content sorta stuff.)

EDIT: Also, if ESPN can have multiple channels for different quality of programming I don't see why we can't at some point divide the group channel into both junior and senior levels of craftsmanship.
Start out in the junior group, when certain criteria are met graduate to the senior group.

Look reasonable?

Think this is all starting to coalesce? :yes:
Somewhere between chaotic pandemonium and anal retentive gestapo (closer to pandemonium for me) is where I envision this to go.

What are some project management ideas and guidelines you guys would like to see?

Everything's up for negotiation at this point, (and where any personal/professional relationship is at it's highest risk of failure on principles alone.)

I want to reiterate that the point of "the group" is for each of us to work on our own channel(s).
The group thing is just a promotional vehicle for each of our own channels AND NOT the central focus for anyone to become dependent upon.
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To even begin making money from your videos, you need one of them to hit at least 1000 views, and then after a month or two you'll receive an e-mail asking if you would like to monetize all your videos.
Then it's a case of submitting them through the process which, at first, is very annoying since full of human error. I had to contest that I owned my own music at least 10 times. They're even worse with content made by several people.

Once you have monetized videos, the revenue isn't subtantial until you start hitting a few hundred thousand views. With 40k views I hit £60.

I think that each person should be paid for what they contribute, but also be limited for the amount they can do. By that I mean you can't upload more than one video a week but the money made should be split by number of views your video gets.

This would encourage people to upload the highest quality possible and reward them for doing so, as well as stopping us becoming competitive in a detrimental way.
Once you have monetized videos, the revenue isn't subtantial until you start hitting a few hundred thousand views. With 40k views I hit £60.

That isn't too bad a rate. I ran a very, very niche subset of a competitive gaming tutorial website that had a daily average of 4k visitors a day and on a good month I'd pocket maybe $100au. Youtube has access to a much, much larger audience pool and with the benefit of paying a higher rate. Not that hard to get high end results when you're talking a very smalish niche with maybe half a dozen competitors, but its not just as simple as making video's to make it go viral.

The trick is really to deliver quality content, better than your direct competition and make as many people aware of it. It's also important to hit them at the right frequency rate. The market leader of any area gets the lions share of the spoils. Something to consider.

The last thing to consider. Youtube is very scalable for scripted, non time sensitive content.
I think that each person should be paid for what they contribute, but also be limited for the amount they can do. By that I mean you can't upload more than one video a week but the money made should be split by number of views your video gets.

This would encourage people to upload the highest quality possible and reward them for doing so, as well as stopping us becoming competitive in a detrimental way.
Good to know about the 1K view threshold and overview of your process experience.

Yeah, getting paid for contributions looks sensible to me.

EXCELLENT! idea with the upload limits. :P
Now, since the gaming genre frequently has a daily upload frequency I'd be willing to cut it some slack by limiting a daily game uploader to two or three each week to the filmmaker group channel - while - they're certainly free to go hog wild at whatever rate they desire on their own channel.

Since there is a limit to the number of fields a visitor is likely to view in a sitting (only one or two) I think the responsible thing TO THE GROUP is to allow everyone to have a fair shot at casual serendipity views.

I don't want to see a field of twice daily mindless game blather blocking some Freddie Wong-like bi-weekly contribution.

That'd defeat the purpose of the Group site, which is to cross promote each other while we each work on our own channel development.

That isn't too bad a rate. I ran a very, very niche subset of a competitive gaming tutorial website that had a daily average of 4k visitors a day and on a good month I'd pocket maybe $100au. Youtube has access to a much, much larger audience pool and with the benefit of paying a higher rate. Not that hard to get high end results when you're talking a very smalish niche with maybe half a dozen competitors, but its not just as simple as making video's to make it go viral.

The trick is really to deliver quality content, better than your direct competition and make as many people aware of it. It's also important to hit them at the right frequency rate. The market leader of any area gets the lions share of the spoils. Something to consider.

The last thing to consider. Youtube is very scalable for scripted, non time sensitive content.
Lovin the intel, guys.:yes:
Much appreciated.

If I may, I'd like to throw out a general warning not to mistake quality content for expensive content.
Countless nubes (irregardless of personal developmental maturity) seem to equate "high" production quality ($$CASH$$) with quality content.

Nope. :no:

Not the same. :no:

Lookit what JennaMarbles is doing with what looks like a cr@p cellphone: http://www.statsheep.com/JennaMarbles

And, would you please elaborate on what "scripted, non time sensitive content" is?
Thank you. :)
Ray, I think scripted non time sensitive refers to the quality content biased shows, not the adlib, info sharing based content. As in a story being told versus brief comedic/diy/status sharing.
as for monetizing the experiment, it's a quick road to a short trip... Not monetizing this project would make it last longer, yes everyone "loses" the potential income, but it stays viable because no one leaves/fights. Consider it payment for advertising each persons personal channel and then remove "ads", i.e. verbal/video inclusion, as they leave the project. Only one person will get the check if it's monetized.... And everyone will need to trust that check holder. I don't have a problem with someone else profiting from my hard work, do it every day. But who knows what the others in a group have in mind.
Just my two cents. So far it sounds great though.
My thinking on this is to not have a channel that we all upload to, but rather the central channel has clips of everybody's content and links to the creator's channel. The hosted talk show program would pimp the content. Since we would subscribe to each others' channels, we would know as soon as each other upload anything. Anytime someone checked out one of our channels, it would show them what we've liked and subscribed to. I see this more as a bunch of individuals helping each other promote their content than a central network arrangement. That way we are each responsible for our own monetization and reap any rewards from our own work without having to worry about profit sharing or accounting issues.
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Alright, where wuz eye... ?

EQUALS THREE 2.0 - 4:32mins long

  1. intro
  2. 1- first viral vid on edited animated cutaway
  3. back to talent (RWJ) transition to next piece to segue to...
  4. 2 - second viral vid in the same animated cutaway donut (donut remains the same, you just fill in the hole with something different every time)
  5. cut to talent, cut to vid, cut to talent, cut to vid, vid 2 hooks into vid 1 joke
  6. 3 - third viral vid in the same animated cutaway donut
  7. cut to talent, cut to vid, cut to talent, cut to vid, vid 3 hooks into vid 2 joke
  8. close with subscribe peddle
  9. joking reference to a featured video
  10. credits w/ production company (crisp text resolution!)
  11. follow up
  12. bloopers
  13. cut to black

  • single camera in fixed position
  • looks like decent resolution, full screen @ 1080p looks less than super crisp, probably shot at 720p
  • large soft boxes @ 10 & 2 o'clock positioned light sources
  • I'm pretty sure the comic book pages background is a green screen layer.
  • Audio is fair, a little echoey. Not lapel mic, must be overhead and forward because he likes to dodge toward the lens then retreat and the sound remains pretty consistent.
  • Deliberately jump cut edit talent left, right, and center.
  • Text + image graphics both pop and slide on/off screen, also on featured clips.
  • Cameos happen!
  • Foul language is prevalent
  • The strongest words are thinly bleeped out. Some remains.
  • Casual dress

  • Flippant observations and commentary on viral videos.
  • Material provides itself, he just has to comment on it, not create it.
  • Looks a lot like a guy just riffing into the bathroom mirror.
  • He has the demeanor of a charismatic product pitchman. "I'm just a guy. And I see things."
  • Goofy hair.
  • Target audience is likely more male than female (3/2), between 15 and 25-28yo, suburban middle class.
  • Guesstimated shoot time: 1hr
  • Guesstimated edit time: 2hrs
  • Guesstimated episode cost: nil, mostly labor
  • Format Construct Complexity: Low to medium-low

I'm going to bed, now.
I'll fool with the following tomorrow.
Several days later... :rolleyes::D

HOW TO APPROACH WOMEN - 4:46mins long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5xhdntSlo8
Note - This was his last episode before working with another producer
  1. title card wipe to cute joke intro
  2. brief intro first viral vid
  3. 1- first viral vid on whole screen
  4. back to talent (RWJ), joke + commentary, transition to next piece to segue to...
  5. 2 - second viral vid on whole screen
  6. cut to talent, cut to vid, cut to talent, cut to vid, intro vid 3
  7. 3 - third viral vid on whole screen
  8. cut to talent, cut to vid, cut to talent, cut to vid, role play gag that mimic/mocks vid 3, Anna Akana cameo
  9. close with subscribe peddle
  10. joking reference to a featured vid 2
  11. bloopers
  12. cut to black

  • Forgot to cite that the studio setting affords the greatest control over the image quality.
  • 2nd and 3rd video clips have greyed-out video background extenders from the original 4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9 to maintain width consistency with talent video aspect ratio.
  • FB & Twitter icons on video after the main show
  • Talent is wearing lav mic
  • Anna Akana cameo sounded like she was just on room mic (She has her own not-too-shabby channel, BTW: http://www.youtube.com/user/AnnaAkana/videos?view=0 ) [And after watching a few of her videos I can't tell if her and RWJ are just working friends or... more. Don'tknowdon'tcarejusswondering.]
  • I think that's a physical actual background
  • Looks like a single large soft light source 90° to talent as primary + L & R soft lights

  • Nothing different from previous observations
  • I wonder if those are T-shirts from his own collection or if provided by (unnamed) sponsors?

BIEBS and SELENA - 4:28mins long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy5PJ86ocPw
Pretty much the same
  • Intro
  • Vid 1
  • Commentary, Cool transition to...
  • Vid 2
  • Commentary, Cool transition to...
  • Vid 3
  • Close with a joke that refers to one or two of the video
  • Request a subscription
  • Sub-standard commentary or bloopers
  • Cut to black

  • Yeah, I think this was shot in 720p
  • Wide angle lens
  • Primary lighting may be a window
  • Talent isn't wearing any noticeable makeup (for lighting purposes)


YOUTUBE FAMOUS! - 4:25mins long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V92YrL7hNHA
Pretty much the same

Nothing new.


"OH SH!T" - 4:48mins long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJd_LeWxf8Q
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I/we got it.

Stated his channel has a college demo[graphic].

  • I have no idea how the scratching his head with a pistol (fake or not) was relevant to anything in the bear vid segment.
  • WTF?
  • Ah! RWJ just stated, thus confirming my irrelevant suspicions, that Anna Akana "just moved in a few months ago."
  • Whatever.

DOG HAS SUPER POWERS - 4:07mins long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f23bZrJFnNo
Included some interactivity with his audience via the YT comments section.

  • I just put up these last five videos on side-by-side tabs (goog chrome) then flipped back through them looking at the lines on background for camera placement episode to episode.
  • Camera has a pretty good general placement, but nothing's locked down episode to episode to episode as per some "gotta do this precisely the same each time" from a notebook sorta thing.

Cute! The "Booty Valve" joke from this episode was referenced from the subsequent episode, "OH SH!T".

  • Don't be overly conservative.
  • If you think whatever over the top crazy idea you have is crazy then... if your viewers are college students don't worry about it.
  • It seems to be working for broadcast TV as well, so...

Oh! And lookee at what I foundy-foundy: A link pimpin' da side projects... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYb-WB8akEY
The comments are... interesting.
The layers, folks. The layers and interconnections.

Alriiiiight! Moving on to number two: http://www.statsheep.com/nigahiga

C'mon, guys.
What are your observations on this stuff?
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I heard this NPR bit this morning about these music frea... guys and how they put together an album of songs written by friends and associates (six degrees of separation thing) on a junky guitar.


For some reason I thought of you guys :rolleyes: and thought "Just maybe... some of the music guys at IT would wanna consider a possibly fun stunt as this for a youtube bit. Maybe."

Just an eye-deer. ;)

"Some of the people on the project confessed to me that when they saw who else was on the project... that it raised their bar. It's like, 'My God, I'm on the same [project] as... I've gotta do something really good.' "
THAT is EXACTLY the same positive pressure I would hope that our group channel would promote!
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I work with singers from Sweden, France and the States. In fact, I have an album coming out VERY soon with 5 different singers, 3 of which I've never met.
I'm open for any mad projects, sure.

I myself play guitar, bass and I sing.
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I have a drummer and a couple guitarist available just about any time for sure... Also 3 bass players, 1 or 2 on keyboards, and a singer of sorts or 2. I will be recording some of them on the 19th hopefully, "Trainwreck" is their name. LOL
Breakdown: Nigahiga - 6,185,581 subscribers & 1,382,681,919 video views


SAVE THE TWINKIES! 2:27 - Published on Nov 30, 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEo8BZ7pY4w
Format : - Current Event Mocumentary PSA
  1. Jib shot (?) intro @ abandoned lot
  2. Fade cut twinkie boxes + pelvis man
  3. Multi-location cuts; most jump, some fade.
  4. Diaper Man
  5. Depressed Girl
  6. Gold Dust Man
  7. Flash Animation
  8. Slider or tracking shot @ abandoned lot
  9. High level apartment balcony scene
  10. abandoned lot & balcony intercuts
  11. "Save the Twinkies" plead from Depressed Girl, Gold Dust Man, and the lamp :)
  12. abandoned lot & balcony intercuts
  13. Flash animation & balcony intercuts
  14. TEEHEE on black

Objective :
  • Abandoned lot scenes likely not shot by the camera operator's full time user.
  • I think the camera was on a jib.
  • Likely shot by a Canon T2i or better.
  • Between 0:14 and 0:15 the scene cuts between multiple locations but the audio level remains fairly well consistent AND WITHOUT BACKGROUND AUDIO ARTIFACT, meaning some decent audio collection gear was being used.
  • No lav mic, so it must be a overhead boom mic being operated by a person tracking the talent (RH)
  • Actors: RH, Pelvis Man, Diaper Man, Depressing Moment Girl, Gold Dust Man
  • Locations: Abandoned lot, various house locations, Pelvis man AV rm, abandoned lot parking area, diaper man home, depressed girl home, gold dust man home, upper level apartment balcony
  • NLE crop cuts for zooms in jumps
  • Background music mixed well with dialog
  • Some functionally nice flash animation

Subjective :
  • Fair to decent production standards
  • Probably took ten hours to film and edit this

Do You Love Animals? 2:58 - Published on Nov 23, 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPLgar2zcI4
Format : - Personal Holiday Experience Shtick in an apartment
  1. Location A
  2. Self from side door
  3. Location A
  4. Faux flashback w/ self in a wig
  5. Location A
  6. Street scene
  7. Location A
  8. Stair w/ baby gate for dog scene
  9. Location A
  10. TEEHEE on black

Objective :
  • Camera on a tripod, cr@p image + on-camera cr@p audio
  • Jump cuts of talent (RH) moving around the fixed space
  • NLE crop jump zooms
  • 180° rule abided by
  • (Near) white walls and door make contrast a challenge
  • Little to no effort in color balancing
  • Street scene had no regard for contrast levels

Subjective :
  • Comments are just a big huge string of omnivore vs. vegetarian rants
  • Probably took four to six hours to film and edit this

Why Selena Broke Up With Justin 5:08 - Published on Nov 16, 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMyKNFqRyQk
Format : - Current Event Shtick in an apartment bedroom
  1. Location A
  2. Beiber/Gomez re-enactment
  3. Enter Fifth Direction character into re-enactment
  4. Return to Beiber/Gomez re-enactment
  5. Went Terminator
  6. Location A
  7. TEEHEE on black

Objective :
  • Crossfade cuts
  • Camera on a tripod, cr@p image + on-camera cr@p audio
  • Pretty sure this was shot in 360p
  • Split screen
  • Green screen the Fifth Direction character over split screen + video
  • Heavy image editing and NLE effects for "video"

Subjective :
Audience really doesn't care about audio quality. Or, to be specific, the youtube audience doesn't really care.

Just Wanted To Say... 1:55 - Published on Nov 10, 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV_FHJ5YMd0
Format : - Subscriber Appreciation Shtick in an apartment bedroom
  1. Location A
  2. Begin "light bulb" bit to get the Props box
  3. Previous episodes flashbacks on suspended projections
  4. Thoughtful compilation of snippets from past "appreciations"
  5. Assemble props from past webissodes to form "thank you" shadow
  6. Multiple TEEHEE overlayed on scene

Objective :
  • [Expletive]! That apartment bedroom audio echo is horrendous, (by our IT lofty standards!)
  • Many of those shots look like "classic" DIY filmmaker shots: Bad. Bad. Bad.
  • Would someone please identify what effects software he's using for the suspended projections in the flashbacks? After Effects, maybe/probably? How would you asses his skills with the program? Sufficient?

Subjective :
  • Youtube audience REALLY doesn't give two flying figs about audio quality.
  • Youtube audience REALLY doesn't give two flying figs about cinematography.
  • A nice mushy heartfelt show.
  • Probably took six to ten hours to write, shoot, edit, add effects.

The PARANORMAL Writers 2:33 - Published on Oct 31, 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mzutgP5l0E
Format : - Sit Com Skit
  1. Establishing shot of house + text overlay
  2. Five guys confabing in the bedroom (note "new guy" in the bed scribbling)
  3. Cut to mock re-creation of Paranormal Activity scene w/some video fast forwarding.
  4. "PARANORMAL ACTITY" w/ "6" that slides in and wiggles.
  5. Back to confab
  6. "Parapelegic activity" robot, intercut w/ confab
  7. Back to confab
  8. "Pear-That's-Normal" mock-enactment
  9. Back to confab
  10. Drama music only on zoom shots of "new guy"
  11. Fourth guy leaves room, RH yells at "new guy" for contribution
  12. Third guy pulls cover off bed, "new guy" sees no one else in room when cover gets yanked off
  13. Fourth guy returns w/ pear, waves it about
  14. "New guy" screams @ pear waving about midair, no one in room.
  15. Punchline: "See! He gets it!"
  17. TEEHEE on black
  18. Pear giggles

Objective :
  • Dialog begins @ establishing shot, before actual scene
  • Most shots on tripod
  • Light zoom shots on "new guy"
  • "Classic" DIY cinematography. Blecht.
  • Overwhelmingly white room and contrasty black/dark objects in bedroom
  • Wide angle lens used on group shots

Subjective :
  • Youtube audience REALLY REALLY doesn't give two flying figs about audio quality.
  • Youtube audience REALLY REALLY doesn't give two flying figs about cinematography.

Note in the video's "About" space...
Special Thanks to!

Dtrix: http://www.youtube.com/thedominicshow
Greg: http://www.youtube.com/slopsmcgee
Will: http://www.twitter.com/willshayhan
Kyle: umm http something dot com

Shirts/Merch: http://www.higatv.com
Cross promotion + pimpin the merch.

Ryan Higa for President! 2:02 - Published on Oct 21, 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hgJOzmXtWw
Format : Assortment of shots to mock a 2min presidential campaign ad.

Objective :
Audio is effing horrible. RH is earning some serious dough: http://www.statsheep.com/nigahiga . Does he give a sh!t about spending $1k on some decent audio equipment? H3ll effing NO! <--- So, what does that meeeeean... ?

Subjective :
Okay, all you gear-head folks. Don't think Hollywood style audio and video production standards are going to make or break your show.

YOU may give a sh!t... But no one else will (other than fellow gear heads).

Don't EVER think for one moment that if you spent just a n o t h e r $20-$200 more on cameras, lenses, microphones, preamps, external recorders, top of the line editing equipment, props, costumes, locations, actors, and all that other bullsh!t you/we think is important - that THAT cr@p will hold the attention of just 0.X% more of your audience.

It won't.

Content over Quality.

Or better yet:


There. Was that graphically explicit enough? :lol:

Up next: http://www.statsheep.com/smosh
@ http://www.youtube.com/user/smosh/videos?view=0

Sunovabitch. These guys are busy earning their dough.


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I think it is important to note that Ryan Higa became popular when he was a kid / teen. His videos were quite charming back then and the quality was overlooked or not as important. A couple of teenagers were regularly producing entertaining content for their peers. Those peers still watch and they still hit a similar demographic.

I remember watching the ninja mask video and sharing it with multiple people. It was great.

Also, people like cover / parody / silly songs. The Guilds music videos are some of their best performing videos and sold well on itunes.
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Apparently I need way more time in the day to "smosh" together some content... I can barely get 2 hours of free time a week, much less just to write the content/ideas. Hmmmmm...
Daaahhhhh nahh nah nont... Collaboration time!!!!
Making calls to the appropriate persons as soon as I'm done typing.
I was talking to a stripper that I know and she said that she would love to be the hostess for the infotainment type talk show. I'm thinking that each week she can interview a different member and discuss their content. For those that are interested, we can get together on what questions she should ask and I can make an audio file of her asking the questions and send that to the interviewee. Alternately, we could maybe set up a skype interview live. We shall see how it goes.
Lucky, you're impressive.

The thinking, planning, and actual poking around you're doing is great.
I think you're taking this general plan to it's next level and I'm pretty sure my mind is stuck in the level below.

You wanna just manage the central site - or - split the idea into varsity and JV leagues with you managing the former with refined products & programs and I guess I'll handle the bush league rough stuff?

I believe you're savvy enough to know that if you're producing a single product, the hosted program that pimps the other channels, then pretty much that whole entire channel is dependent upon your time and resources until you can pass the baton off to another person, right?
And if the contributors kinda flake out on you then... there won't be much for you to produce.

I'm not trying to discourage you. I just want to point out what may or may not be an issue a few months down the road, because today or even in a few weeks or months even there's zero consistent product for a host to peddle.
Gonna be pretty spotty for awhile - unless there's just some pent up demand here lurking in the shadows.

Looks like just four of us knocking around some stuff, right now.
I was talking to a stripper that I know and she said that she would love to be the hostess for the infotainment type talk show. I'm thinking that each week she can interview a different member and discuss their content. For those that are interested, we can get together on what questions she should ask and I can make an audio file of her asking the questions and send that to the interviewee. Alternately, we could maybe set up a skype interview live. We shall see how it goes.

Any chance of video?(clothes on please). Set in an interview from right or left, shoot (4 is it then?) multiple times, same q's. send off vids to each person to edit selves into interview???? Or we send you video response to questions written down, then she asks them on camera in reference/style to answers, using appropriate "response" to answers.??? Also, I have Skype...