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watch Even Hitler had a girl friend

my roommate just gave me the answer to why there are no relpys. Quote " the reason no one has replied is because no one wants to tough that steaming pile of shit that you posted on the internet, they are probably worse if for it if they even do."
This is a great student film. Great use of lighting, shadows, angles, music, sound f/x, voices, etc. It's truly cinematic. Keep at it, you are definitely a gifted filmmaker, good luck.
Nice work NexRL. I agree with IndieTalk. My only criticism would be pointed at the story.


P.S. Sorry it took me so long to see and respond...I had planned to when you first posted, but put it on the back burner, and obviously forgot to turn it on!
That happens all the time man, Im always leaving stuff on the back burner. But thanks for getting back to it. And about your criticism, i feel the same way sometimes. The film was originally about 12 minutes long, and I cut it down to 5:30. In doing that I wonder if I cut out to much of the story, which gave it a weaker structure. Alas what can you do when, when the people who are calling the shots want it 5:30
its a bit better than home made dolly, but its no where near professional, probably about 100 plus to make it, but i got it for free cause some kid was throwing it out when he had no way to transport it back to his house after school ended. Its the greatest thing I have ever gotten for free though. Its dangerous to have though, it makes me want to use for a lot of shots, but there is nothing worse than unmotivated camera movement
I liked it. Entertaining and dark.

REALLY loved the dolly shots. I really need to make myself a dolly. The lighting was great. The acting was great, for the most part. The only thing I didn't like about the acting, are the menacing voice scenes. In my eyes, the actor could not pull off being menacing. The acting was extremely convincing except for those parts. I would've liked it if it was more toned down maybe?

Another criticism is about the wrist cutting. Even if by some miracle, the blade didn't slice through the veins in his wrist, there would still be A LOT more blood. I've had more blood come out of my nose during a mild nosebleed. For him to be losing his balance, and having to grab onto things to walk straight, I would assume he lost A LOT of blood. It's not a film breaking thing, but it takes A LOT away from the suspension of disbelief. I'm really not sure why you decided to not use fake blood, especially given that the rest of the production was of great quality.

You can make very realistic looking blood in 3 minutes if you have the right ingredients. Tons of recipes online, and the only thing you would probably have to go to the store to get is the red food coloring.
this is directed to MacV, I did alot of lighting, I wish that I could have relied on my cinematographer a bit more, but she wasn't experienced behind the camera.

As to VladCantSleep, I see what your saying with the acting. I have shots of it when its toned down. Its just that he has not acting experience, I took a risk. I think it turned out well, it just would have been a better film if I had had someone with experience. I love watching those dolly shots too.

The blood......every time I watch it, I want to see more blood, I had my reasons for not using alot of blood, but I should have said just do it. I feel like if I had more blood there would be really nothing terribly wrong with the beginning. Thank you for the compliment on the production quality, i put alot of work into it, and thank you for the fake blood recipe.