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watch Entire Feature "This Wretched Life" (2010)

Bout to leave my house so could only watch the ten minutes or so.
But overall i liked it.
Good shots, very good writing imo. Acting was good. Intresting premise.

A few things.
Doesn't seem very dark comedyish, but that could be because i didn't get further into it.
Also, lighting could be improved.

But great job otherwise. Congrats on having a feature to call your own, most definitly.
Glad you liked it...

Thanks for the feedback "cjnixon"...I hope you can watch the rest soon. As for the lighting, the footage that is meant to be in the past, is made to look grungy... and the dark-comedy starts rolling further into the feature. Thanks again, and I really hope that you find time to finish the movie, so that we can discuss more.

No problem

No problem kinglis... I will say, however, that I'm not sure how you judge any feature by the first 2 minutes; LOL. Any more specific feedback? Thanks.

I forgot to add in my original post... After watching the entire movie, are the two trailers for the movie fitting? What do you think would make a better trailer? Any feedback is appreciated.
Watched a couple minutes...need to finish it. I really enjoy the premise. I will finish it later and give you some better feedback. But it has me interested from the beginning!!!!!!!!!
I will check it out later today...

but I have a few questions just out of interest...

What did you shoot it on?
How long did it take to do the filming?
and how long did it take to edit?

Just main question is how long did it take to produce the film?
I will get back to you with feedback on the film once I watch it... ;)

To BecauseWe'reHere... Glad you are into it, and thanks for taking the time to watch and give me feedback. Also, please star and review the movie at the imdb, that is important to any filmmaker, as it seems to be the first place a lot of people look when interested in movie info. Thanks.

To Videl... We shot on 2 cameras...
Panasonic AG-DVX100A The footage taking place in present, was shot on this)
Sony DSR-PD150 (The footage in past was shot on this)

How long did it take... LOL... I worked on the movie for around 10 years on and off. The majority of the past was shot in 2 weeks time (it was totally insane), and I did not sleep for like 3 days at one point. The majority of the present was shot in 3 days. Then there were shoots here and there. The real fight was raising money, editing, the scandalous movie industry and learning how to make an indie feature the hard way.

The editing was done over the years, with the last real push taking about a year.

Knowing what I know today, and if I had the money in place, I could shoot and put a feature on DVD in say 6 to 7 months (that is with a indie sized crew). With a full crew, I could do it in 3 to 4 months.

There is a lot of info on the movie on the movies official website, and on the imdb... I'll link both below:

Thanks, and please star and review the movie at the imdb for me.

Another Question...

Hey Videl,

How many movies have you made? If so, how long did it take you to make them. Any links?