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watch DVD Piracy

Unfortunately, piracy contributes to the loss of income from struggling filmmakers like myself since I don't make a nickel when someone sells a pirated copy of my film, so the "joke" is a little lost on me.

I like the color palette change from blue/cool tones to warm/orange for the bad vs. good, but the shot variety was pretty much just wide shots to wide shots with no close ups. Editing was good and tight, but without a better variety of shot types, it still feels a little stale.
the joke is that if you buy the dvd you have to sit through really cheesy and condescending anti piracy ads if you get a pirate copy you never get the ads.

thanks for the critique editing is where its at for me (career wise)

thanks for the critique editing is where its at for me (career wise)

You've got natural talent there for editing and the rhythms.

It just feels like the point of your video is very pro-piracy. I hate the ads at the beginning of a DVD/BLUY ray that I just PAID for to avoid ads just as much as anybody.
thanks i appreciate that. I wouldn't say I'm pro piracy I just really hate the ads and to top it all you never get special features on the DVD version these days they are usually reserved for Blueray.