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watch DRAWING WITH CHALK Feature Film Trailer


I recently finished my first feature film and posted a trailer. The film is currently being submitted to film festivals and sales agents.

A little info: This was a SAG Ultra-Low Budget agreement with a very small crew (usually just the DP, 1st AC, one grip/gaffer, and one sound operator). Aside from directing, I also wrote and co-produced the film (I know what you're thinking.... "another one of those guys who thinks they can do everything"; just give it a chance). Our budget (originally WAY underestimated) ended up around $116,000. Hope you enjoy:


Wow. Impressed. It's interesting because my production company is working on a documentary about this very same issue. It focuses on musicians over 30 still struggling to make it while juggling the real world ("day job") with your dreams. (playing music)

Would love to see this when it's out.

Good luck!

If for some reason you would like to talk with me (myself and my band partners are all over 40) and I keep saying that there is literally no chance for guys like us in a business that strives on youth.

Funny thing is that if this film becomes 'popular' there could be a chance that our music would follow. I will definitely let you know when this film screens.

I see your production company is in CT (we are in Westchester County, NY). Give me a shout if you'd like to hear more about the film (definitely deals with what your doc is about).

All the best.

Yeah, we're doing some west coast interviews now and we're going to start the east coast in about a month or so. I'll let you guys know, maybe you can give a sit down. :beer: