Documentary Shot and/or advice

Im directing a "documentary" for my school and msg varsity ( its just a little piece on the school play and auditions are already over so its not gunna be how i would ideally do it ) and im just doing it for practice and dont want/expect it to be shown any where ... so ive been wondering how to film the interviews, i will only have one camcorder that the school provides and a tripod and CHEAP mic ( i think its connected to the camcorder ).

Do i just film the thing over the shoulder with some inserts or would i shoot it like a narrative piece in a film ( like would i ask the person im interviewing to repeat lines so i can get differnt angles and stuff) and inserts? it seems strange to me. any advice is appreaciated. forgive my noobness
First things first I would dispel the notion that documentaries are genuinely 'capture the moment'. A large part of documentaries is contrived, especially interviews for which several different takes are common place. Obviously in essence you're just documenting the school play, but feel free to take some creative liberty over that.

Second thing: For interviews it depends whether you have a sound guy or camera operator. Will you be on screen presenting the documentary? In that case you might want to get both you and the interviewee in the shot, especially if you don't have two cameras at your disposal.

Probably the safer idea is just to throw up a black of white background and individually interview each cast member, just their face and shoulders. That way you should be able to get the shotgun mic close enough and you cancel out the danger of not being able to frame the shot properly. That's probably the easiest way.

Forgive me if I've misunderstood your question :P
I wouldn't have them try and remember what they said and repeat it. If you want more than one angle but seamless audio, you'll need to have more than one camera going at the same time.

So if you want interesting cuts with the subject you'll just have to do more than one angle but ask them different questions. In editing you can manipulate it how you want to either make it seem like it was chronologically said or you can just use the different angles at different parts.

Other general advice: you can't have too much footage so just get lots and lots of stuff, even random stuff. Anyone you can think of to interview, do it. Even (and maybe especially even) people who are not involved in these activities, to get an 'outsider' perspective.

And don't forget your 3 point lighting when you do the interviews.
any advice is good lol but yea that "capture the moment stuff" was what i wasnt sure about, thanks for clearing that up, but most importantly for framing the shot theres two other dudes working on it with me so i will probably be behind the camera... if i did have access ( < i had to spell that 7 times to get it right lol) to two or three cameras how would i use them like two over the shoulders one interviewer's and one interviewee's or like one over the shoulder and one in the middle or something

Edit: "So if you want interesting cuts with the subject you'll just have to do more than one angle but ask them different questions. " im so stupid for not thinking of that .... but can someone like refresh me on three point lightning
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I would actually recommend (and this is a general point for amateur documentaries) not having an on screen presenter and not even recording the questions being asked. It's actually totally unnecessary and, let's face it, very few people have the subtlety and charisma to present a documentary without making it really awkward. Even if you think they're good, there's a strong chance that other people will have a negative reaction. A narrator is easier and better, but to be honest I doubt that you'll need either for a short documentary like this.

I also think that using two cameras to rotate between interviewer and interviewee on a school video can come across as arrogant or self congratulatory. Are the people watching it going to be interested in the filmmakers or the school play?
@Nickclapper valid points, im kinda using it for my own personal gains so shhhh lol, but i get what ur saying and the narrators another good idea. i was kinda of assuming wed be filming during there rehearsels so one cam would be on the actors and crew and another cam would be off to the side interviewing so it would only be one cam anyway. i was just wondering what you could do and how with two but on this stage of the game ( -12) i guess its slightly too ambitious.