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Do we get all we need from today's movies? Can we do better than Pulp Fiction??

Don't you think there's a reason if the marketing budgets are so huge?

The old rule, "see something enough times a day, and you'll eventually come to like it" applies here, doesn't it?

Ah, but there is a very clear pattern, regarding marketing, and the success of a film.

You can DEFINITELY turn a substantial profit, simply by putting a big-name actor in a high-concept movie, and advertising the heck out of it, no matter how crappy the movie is. We've seen this happen plenty of times, and Hollywood definitely milks this cash-cow to death.

HOWEVER, in order for a movie to be truly successful, and rake in the really big bucks, it needs to have legs, and the only way it gets that is through positive word-of-mouth. A crappy movie can make a lot of money on opening-weekend, but if people aren't digging it, the numbers will drop off real quick.

So, no, I don't think advertising makes people like a particular movie. Effective advertising might compel them to show up, but you can't make them like the product (and if they don't, they'll tell their friends).