Do I need to start a company?

So I read a little on this website and am still a little confused whether or not I need to start a production company or some kind of company for my films to be legal.

I don't want to make any kind of big films. I have no Hollywood desires whatsoever. I want to make skate films. short documentary's using pictures, music, etc, not actually going anywhere and filming. And if I did any short films/skits I would just use friends as actors.

I know I would need release forms for people, music, pictures, etc and to copyright it. If that's all I'm doing for now do I need to start a company or some kind of business? Would it benefit me to start a company? for legal reasons? or any purpose?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.
You don't need a company. If, however, you plan to get permits and shoot in certain locations that require permits, they may ask if you are bonded and which case you probably want to start a company (LLC).

Also, if you ever plan to make money in some way (or potentially get sued), you'll want a company so that the money goes to your LLC, and if you get sued only your company will feel the wrath and not you personally.
So I read a little on this website and am still a little confused whether or not I need to start a production company or some kind of company for my films to be legal.
That's ridiculous. Where is this website???????

The only reason to create a company for a production is if you have money to be sued for. If you're just doing an indie film then the cost of creating and maintaining an S-corp in California will probably run you upwards of $1,500 a year. Is that really worth it? I say no. For most indie films it's cost prohibitive. If it isn't cost prohibitive then you are spending way too much money on your movie - money that you'll never earn back. Just insure your shoot in case anyone gets hurt or dies. Also know the laws regarding trademark infringement and copyright infringement and shoot accordingly. Get everyone to sign "work for hire" releases, including any crew who contribute "art" to the movie (DP, director, editor, art department, etc). Get receipts when you pay people.