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watch Directed my first student film...Thoughts?

This is the first time I actually directed actors, had them use dialogue and script. I did one other film which was a short 3 minute film...but this is my actual first time directing and it was for one of my film classes. I am thinking about submitting it to some film festivals. Thoughts?

i enjoyed it, nice quality, however the first actor his acting skills, were below par, it was like a woman screaming im cumming before youv even put it in, he ruined it in my opinion, he seemed nervous and not in a good way, second guy was good, although how he died from a single stab wound in 2 seconds was somewhat of a mircale ;)

good work though, just find a better actor next time.
it was like a woman screaming im cumming before youv even put it in, he ruined it in my opinion

that RUINS it for you? ...damn, that would make me feel like a sex GOD... which I already am, so the poor acting skills wouldn't be necessary...

great short, by the way
personal opinion.. the opening shot was incredible... I was doing other things on the laptop, but it grabbed my attention and hooked me right into the film. good job on that
I am thinking this video could use an opening that gives people a clue earlier what it is about. Maybe a opening intro that shows pictures of pages of the evil book. For instance maybe a upside down pentagram. Maybe some depictions like in Dante's Inferno of torture. Something to give us a clue sooner that something dark is about to happen and set the mood. I am thinking flashes of pages of an evil book as the intro.

Also, why did we not learn what the motives were for the killing? Were they doing it to get better grades or become popular in school or something like that? Or maybe they need to kill someone to get in the fraternity. I just think we need to be let in on what the reason behind the killing of the first guy was. The second guy that dies could be the twist we don't learn about tell it happens.

Anyways, general I think this short is good enough for festivals. You should consider editing it down a little more if possible. And maybe put the intro I am thinking about in there too.

I think you could do some slight editing by removing a few seconds here and there to make this thing flow faster while retaining the story you got and the interesting parts. I think you could remove 30 seconds if edited more leaving out any changes with the intro of course.

The music was well fitting for this short.

The title of the Short could be more descriptive of what it is about.
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