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watch "DIMENSIONAL MELTDOWN" - Check out my new short film (Future Sci-fi Action \ 06:39):

Really liked it when the one version of him changed to the "present" versions dimension. Had a lot of good possibilities. But when more and more started coming through it seemed like story got ditched for what was a cool effect made boring. By the last flash of light I was like "Another one!".

But, the production value of the whole thing was really good. I just liked it so much from the start that I wish it would have had a more satisfying ending. A bit more story.

Only other complaint is...did he really kill him with a hedge trimmer?

Good work though all the same, like I said the only reason I am criticizing it is because it had so much potential.
That was pretty darn groovy. Love the concept. He kept coming back to kill himself...why? Not sure...but it was freakin' cool. I'll have to watch it again to see why he kept killing himself.

And I don't know who it was he killed at the door...same girl in the beginning of the film? Not sure there either...have to watch it again.

The visuals were good. Nice color correction (if you dig the green Matrix filter, which I do). The audio was a little...canned. I would watch your foley footsteps...make them subtle and be sure the timing is perfect on them...or the suspension of disbelief is shattered.

Not sure I dug the upside down shot during breakfast. What was that for? Forgot to put your adapter on for that pickup shot? Ha!

I also didn't like the shot from under the table of him pushing out...unnecessary and in terms of style...not interesting.

The helmet was a good way around him being himself twice on camera...but I probably would have found a helmet less motorcycley--maybe retro fit it with a few different parts, to give the illusion of being from the future.

I also would have put some blood on him after he sawed him...you don't need a classic blood spray from victim POV...but at least some blood on the killer after the fact. Maybe cut to a CU of the helmet with blood on the visor after the kill, and he opens the visor up to reveal himself. You'd have to be very clever about reflections of the camera. Perhaps if you put the camera on sticks, you could do some FX shot and composite in an environment map of the apartment for the reflection?

One last thing...when he opened up the door to blindly shoot out...it was way too low to be a headshot on the girl. Unless the girl was peaking in the keyhole...which doors don't have anymore...lol. But that's just me being picky...

Overall it was really fun. I liked it a lot. Great concept. I wanted to see more more more...this story has legs...maybe you should expand upon it. I think the ending was rushed...and the whole concept could be tightened up...but cool start.
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I liked most of the editing.

THe overexposure/de-saturation didn't look good to me. A lot of amatures use this effect to try to make it look 'different/stylistic/artsy' but it just looks amature.

The red flash for the kill didn't fit well especially with the nice editing you have.

Some of the sounds sounded to canned.

(PS. I ahve that same table/chairs from Ikia :D)

I think your doing good so far, but I was kinda lost with the story.
Like Costa said above, I too didn't like the red flash for the kill. You can probably come up with something more suitable or clever. Just saying.
Hey ya all!!

First of all, I'm glad you guys liked my movie overall, and I agree with many of your criticism, I think if I would do the movie today I would do it much better.

The story goes like this:

Sometime in the near future.
Three parallel universes, we look at the same couple. Now the girlfriend dies in each one, and the guys can't take the loss.
With an unsecured technology that accidentally made its way to the wide public, they decide to go for a ride to another parallel universe - our universe, in which the girl is still alive. We keep track on one of them (from the 3rd opening scene) as he goes to his garage and go out for a ride.
Their objective is of course to re-unite with their girl, who is still alive in our universe, but they need to kill their own image in our universe if they want to replace him. That's why they kill themselves all the time.

In the end, the 2nd traveler hears knocks on the door, he is afraid that it's another traveler like him, while he awaits - the 3rd traveler comes very fast, and kills him right away. Now he did saw him looks at the door strangely and he thought it's another traveler there, so he shot him without even looking.
Turns out it's was his girlfriend (the same girl from the opening scenes but in this universe she is still alive of course), who meant to die today in each universe what so ever, and the guys will continue to look for her (the end of the movie is the last traveler going to another parallel universe)...

Very important - THERE IS NO TIME TRAVEL HERE, it's travelling between parallel dimensions\universe's (anyone seen "sliders"?)! It's a physical Theory actually and if you got the time you should read about it, it's very interesting. It says also that some universes are completely identical, some are more or less (like in the movie) and some are very much different.

Now allow me to comment about your remarks:

- I used a program called "MAGIC BULLET – LOOKS" to do the color correction, and I worked very hard on it to get the cool matrix color to fit every shot of my movie. I started off with the last TERMINATOR movie preset (which I also made myself with territorials from the internet) and then added green colors and then started to work on every shot of the movie. If you think its amateur your wrong in my opinion, if you don’t like it it's ok, it can get much better you are definitely right.
- About the red flash, it’s a matter of taste – I could do a blood effect there but many people told me that this is cool enough. If you mean that it's different from my editing style of the whole movie I might agree (you are not the first one to point that out), but then again if you look at the upside down shot - it's also strange and trashy, but I like it and it feet the style of the red thing…

- Soundtrack: overall you must admit its one hell of a soundtrack in this movie (you don’t think so?), but you are all right about stuff like the footsteps and others…
Upside down shot – it's weird and it seem like it's there for nothing, but I like it because it gives an even more unstable feeling. I think my editing style is very clippie (clip style), and it's something I'm goanna keep on doing. I might be all wrong with this, but maybe it's goanna be just fine in the end when I will learn how to control it better (don’t forget I'm just starting my 2nd year at film school now…)
- The shot under the table was done to create tension before the killing action begin, many people said it was a good idea, I do agree it doesn’t look the best maybe, but it does do good service building up the tension.
- Helmet: I looked for a good future one everywhere on the internet, couldn’t find anything in my range of price (which is unfortunately not so high…)
-your idea for blood on the helmet is very good! I should have thought about it myself, bummer…
Shot to low – I know it doesn't look like it, but in reality the entrance floor is lower than the door itself, I didn’t gave it much thought when I shot this shot because it took so much time to do the first part right and the second shooting was like a bit less important to me back then… Bottom line is that no one really think about it at first watch of the film so I guess it's not so bad. AnyWho – you are right about it!

Sorry for my bad English but what is a "hedge trimmer"? If you mean a chainsaw then the answer is yes.

EVERYTHING ELSE YOU GUYS SAID – I TOTALLY AGREE! Thanks for your comments; you have a good eye and a good film view!
AgentJonnyB - thanks man!

cstegner - yea you'r right actually, but then again - thats the only "type" of chainsaw i have...