Digital film academy NY?

Hey guys! I was looking for schools to attend for directing. I know a lot of these schools are not worth the prices they ask. But I was looking at Digital Film Academy.

What do you guys think? Is it worth it? Seems pretty good to me. But I couldn't really find a lot of reviews about it. One i found said they loved it. I made an appointment to go check out the school tomorrow. Just wanted to know what you guys thought before I look into signing up and stuff. Or if there are any recommendations around NY/NJ?
I don't know Old Skool, I hit the link to their site and there is certainly a lot of stuff going on there with the links to their production services and such, but that could be a good thing, who knows. If they can shepherd their students into working indie shoots, that's great. You wrote that you went to visit the was it?

I went to NYU School of Continuing Education in the mid-90's. I already had an indie feature script I had written and wanted to direct. I just needed to learn how to actually go about making a movie, and I did learn the nuts and bolts in that NYU program. Have you looked into NYU?