Dealing with young actresses/actors

Hi everybody! I'm kinda of new here and to the film making thing so I'm sorry if my questions come across as stupid and immature because, well, they are.

Anyways, in the near future I'm planning to do a recording for a short animation I'm going to make. One of the actresses (okay, she's my sister, whatever) is pretty young and kind of...ignorant. We worked on projects as co-host: as in, the project was both of us, and we've been doing this for years. Now, this project is JUST MINE. As in, I created everything, and her job is to act. She's not use to this (she wants to do things her way. I'm willing to accept a little change, but she wants to do it half of her way. She's not the co-host here), and I don't want her to bail out of the project because she's the only actress I have right now. Also, she thinks my ideas are stupid, childish and that her "favorite shows" are the only good ones. I'm still an amateur, mediocre, whatever you want to call newbies and I don't want to get an actress who I have to pay while I'm still in the brand new stage of directing.

Any thoughts, suggestions for this type of thing?
Please and thank you. Sorry if this question is in the wrong board or the question is stupid but I really do need some help.
There is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people who don't have the sense to ask questions when they really need answers.

Siblings. Sheesh, where do I start? My sister is always right no matter how wrong she is. Just something I have to deal with.

Is there anything else you have that she wants besides money? You could always work an exchange of some sort. For instance, if she agrees to help you on your project in your way, offer to do another project using her ideas. In other words, sign her up to a two picture deal and see where that gets you. Once she's famous, all her friends will want to act for you, too. Problem solved. :)
There is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people who don't have the sense to ask questions when they really need answers.

Siblings. Sheesh, where do I start? My sister is always right no matter how wrong she is. Just something I have to deal with.

Is there anything else you have that she wants besides money? You could always work an exchange of some sort. For instance, if she agrees to help you on your project in your way, offer to do another project using her ideas. In other words, sign her up to a two picture deal and see where that gets you. Once she's famous, all her friends will want to act for you, too. Problem solved. :)

Tell me about it :P I have six siblings and the youngest 2 are ALWAYS right and stubborn.
Hmm, maybe we can do a two-pact deal...or the fact I can teach her animation while acting this thing out. Thanks for the advice!