Dallas is back.

There is no better show than the original Dallas. No show even compares. I have big hopes for the revival!!
I worked as an extra on the set of DALLAS - JR RETURNS - But I was there actually to study director Leonard Katzman.. When you see how the pros do it you are more comfortable when you strike out on your own set. Great to watch Hagman work. And when my actors get frustrated because they didn't nail it in a couple of takes I always tell them, hey, it takes Larry Hagman 5 or 6 takes sometimes too. I believe Katzman died before that last reunion show aired though.
There was that episode when he was going through his life, and this devil/angel went through with him, showing what his family would have been like if he had not been born. There was one scene where Sue Ellen received some bad news, and he said that she can't take a setback - anytime there's bad news she goes to the bottle. In that scene, she didn't, but I liked his attitude, as in, people have to learn to take setbacks in life.

He made a few other comments about life too, and, quite honestly, they were right on. Are you still in touch with him? :)
My last day on the set we were in a downtown Dallas restaurant between scenes and one of the directors spied a waitress whom they fell in love with and put her in a scene with Hagman and Duffy. Discovered just like in the movies. And it does seem weird when Larry Hagman is standing at the urinal next to you.
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