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watch Cycle - short film

Hi everyone! Me and my friend made our second short film called "Cycle". It's about cycle ;) I was responsible for recording sound and editing/postproduction. Please leave a comment.


Shot on Canon 600D, 15-55mm, Tamron 17-50, Canon 50mm, Canon 28-135mm. Sound Zoom H4 + ATR 6550. Edited on Premiere Pro + little After Effects.
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You did an impressive job on the sound- it seemed a little loud, like she was walking on eggshells- yet it really sucks you into the world, I forgot about my surroundings while watching it. So what exactly is it about, aside from the fact that it's a cycle? It's hard for me to tell, watching it on my phone.
So what exactly is it about, aside from the fact that it's a cycle?
Nobody knows... Really ;) Idea was that the girl was followed and somebody wants to kill her. At the end the mysterious light "was doing" the cycle. But why? I don't know. I was just recording sounds... and editing... and doing color grading ;)