
Where or who can I send a link to for some constructive criticism? I really want to improve my film making to hopefully become an intermediate film maker and continue on to the advanced. I really need to know How I could have made it better. Been reading a lot of info and just went and shot my first fight scene as practice. Any Ideas where I can get some of that critic love? Positive and Negative feedback are more than welcome. Thank you
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That was good for an early effort. Much of the fighting worked. My advise would be to smooth out some of the camera moves; using a tripod, once in a while, would be wonderful. Maybe you were going for the Paul Greengrass shaky-cam version, instead of Doug Limon smooth cuts. :lol:

Anyway, vary up the sound effects; these hits sounded the same. Use more editing; the longer shots revealed a lot of obvious misses. Take advantage of 2 dimensional space as the camera can't distinguish a hit being off, when you angle it properly. Try and get more speed out of your actors, like when they were going up the metal stairs. Half-speed looks like what it is - slowed down choreography. That comment doesn't apply to most of this fight, which is actually well paced.

Titles were good; very BOURNE-ish.
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Thank you so much. I knew the SFX sounded off to me but I couldn't pin point it. You are awesome Scoopicman. Lol. I love the Bourne Series. Was the music a bit too much? I tried to cover up the fact that it was very windy and the Audio I had was terrible. I dont have a deadcat which I will be investing in this week.
That was good for an early effort. Much of the fighting worked. My advise would be to smooth out some of the camera moves; using a tripod, once in a while, would be wonderful. Maybe you were going for the Paul Greengrass shaky-cam version, instead of Doug Limon smooth cuts. :lol:

Anyway, vary up the sound effects; these hits sounded the same. Use more editing; the longer shots revealed a lot of obvious misses. Take advantage of 2 dimensional space as the camera can't distinguish a hit being off, when you angle it properly. Try and get more speed out of your actors, like when they were going up the metal stairs. Half-speed looks like what it is - slowed down choreography. That comment doesn't apply to most of this fight, which is actually well paced.

Titles were good; very BOURNE-ish.

Thank you so very much. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out.
No problem. I think it's a great sign that you already show talent, but are looking to get better. Welcome to the boards! I would have to watch, again, but pumped up music during an action scene didn't bother me.
I knew the SFX sounded off to me but I couldn't pin point it.

Hits (and stabs!) to a clothed back or torso will sound more "thud-like" than hits to the naked face, which may have a bit more "skin slap" to them. Basically, you have to make (foley) a variety of them and just pick and choose. You can record yourself smacking your chest or butt, or you might take a bat to a melon! :yes:
Hits (and stabs!) to a clothed back or torso will sound more "thud-like" than hits to the naked face, which may have a bit more "skin slap" to them. Basically, you have to make (foley) a variety of them and just pick and choose. You can record yourself smacking your chest or butt, or you might take a bat to a melon! :yes:

Thanks again Scoopicman. I have to learn how to use the Eq to my advantage. Its difficult since i am a one man band so I really do have to learn all aspects of film making. Do you have a channel by any chance? I would love to see some of your work. And thank you for welcoming me into the forum. Most friends and family that saw the video said it was great but I know there is plenty of room for improvement. A buddy of mine sent me to this website so today is my first day here. Im already in love with it.
I have to learn how to use the Eq to my advantage. Its difficult since i am a one man band so I really do have to learn all aspects of film making.

Yes, you can actually EQ things like rocks smashing into the ground and each other. A lowpass filter (cutting out the highs) will give you a nice "thud" sound, in many cases. Also, compositing (layering) two or more sounds will make little sounds into great sounds.

Do you have a channel by any chance? I would love to see some of your work.

Some you might like:

CONTINGENCY PLAN (gunplay and pyro)

BUG COMPLEX (giant bugs)

EXILE feature trailer

Cops at IndieMeet (Cool model cop car effect.)

Car Chases from BLACK CRYSTAL and ROADKILL (Older but cool stunts, watch out for the pole!)
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