Cinema interactivity & the future

The movie theater is one of the few remaining sanctums where you're largely safe from the annoying glow of smartphones and tablets.

Well, at least until Disney re-releases "The Little Mermaid" on September 13. The studio is actively encouraging kids to bring along iPads and play games while the movie is showing on screen.

Had this linked to me elsewhere. The video/commercial at the bottom of the page shows it partly in action.

Is this a positive direction for theatrical screenings? Thoughts?

I wish the article was a bit more substantial in precisely the "interactive" aspect.

I do see how it's like a theatrical RHPS show, but the article's description makes it more like "there's a film going on, there's a pop-up-video/karaoke app that goes along with it, and you're free to goof off during the film. No one needs to get annoyed. If you really wanna watch the film watch it at home on your DVD/BR."


Nothing the audience does has any impact on the progression of the film.
So, it fails the "interactive" aspect in that regard.

However, just like big bands used to play in front of large dining audiences, I've long wondered why there aren't more dining experiences in front of films. A) it's not like most films really demand 100% of the viewer's attention because most of them are "meh" anyways, and B) if you pay attention to kids these days their world is dedicated to multitasking anyway as they play their hand-held video games playing each other on wi-fi while cartoons play on the TV and ipod buds rock 1-D pop into their heads. They pay about a quarter percent attention to anything anyway.

IPhones and films sound fine to me.
Expecting kids to pay 100% attention to a film for 90-110min is fairly unrealistic anyway.
I hope it works. :yes:
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