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You need more shots for the punching scenes. There should be both forward and reverse shots to cut to for the punches.

I recommend you open a vimeo account and password your edits until you have a final cut.

Compare your fight scene to this:


See how quick cuts help a fight scene?

Also, if you have to use the straight on angle, can you ramp up the frame rate so the punches look more realistic?
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At 4:29 his hands are free and at 4:34 they are back to being cuffed. You need to pay attention to this details.
Also the muzzle flash was extremely bright and the blood splatter/mist was way to big.

You should adjust those to look more realistic. The beatdown in the garage looked good imo, but you could do with different angles as stated above.

Overall good work, post more :)

hey thanks for the feedback, its very valueable, im glad you pointed out the cuffs thing, we noticed that when we got back and started to edit it and we didnt have the time to re shoot that small 5 second clip, not many people have realised this though but it is unforgiveable lol. But yeh these were edits as ive only been learning editing for about two months now and i think were making some good progress. We are currnetly working on our first short film, and I have to say that it is going to be 100% better than our edits as they are simply tester vids. Acting, scenary, editing will be worked on for longer periods of time as well, as all our 3 edits i edited in a week each. Thanks for watching this dude it is most appreciated.