CGI with Live Action - Where to start?

I am directing a very short film. (under 5 minutes) The story requires the character to be chased through the woods by a bear. Since hiring a bear wrangler is out of the question I figured animation would be the route to take.
But I do not know where to start. What would be the best approach? Stop motion bear? Computer generated bear? Traditional animated bear? Or maybe taking filmed footage of a bear and interweaving it with my footage. I am going for a realistic style but in the low budget indie world that may not be doable. Any suggestions on approach, applications, software or whatever would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Velusion! Great to hear from you again. Woohoo

I liked the masking you did on the meteor hitting behind the trees.

The thing that has be going is the ciggy. I have a couple questions.
This is how I think you did it, but could you please tell me HOW you actually did it.

I use Combustion so this is how I'd do that scene.
1) shoot the first sequence... walking down the stairs, place mug, place cigs then blow and hold position for a little bit.
2) with the props still in place, remove you and shoot some extra footage.

In combustion I know how to reveal, basically remove you from the picture to show the layer beneath.

But I'm thinking that you masked out yourself on a separate layer and had the background on another beneath it. Then added the smoke effect to the layer with just you and ended with that opacity at 0% revealing the extra footage on the layer.

So, please do, tell.
Wow, you guys really hijacked this thread...

Wingsofdesire.. what about a combination of guy in bear suit and live footage of a real bear as previously mentioned? Might help sell the bear thing, even though it is a bear suit deal.. could be nifty

Yeah, that's pretty much how I did it. I cut myself out of one of the frames and brought it into Maya where I used a fluid simulation to create the smoke effect then I composited everything in After Effects the way you just described.