Cannes 2010

Hey Everybody

I'm a student filmaker from London, hopefully I'll be going to the shorts corner at Cannes this year with one of my shorts films ( ). I'm looking for any advice I can get about the best way to handle the festival, I'm not looking to win just to make contacts and network.

Also I'm looking for anybody else who's going to be there this year, it would be great to arrange a meet with some professionals.

Hey Everybody

I'm a student filmaker from London, hopefully I'll be going to the shorts corner at Cannes this year with one of my shorts films ( ). I'm looking for any advice I can get about the best way to handle the festival, I'm not looking to win just to make contacts and network.

Also I'm looking for anybody else who's going to be there this year, it would be great to arrange a meet with some professionals.


I'll be there. I don't know if I'll be of any help, because I am probably as big an outsider as you, but I'd love to meet up. I'm always interested in networking.