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Calliope - A micro-budget feature

Hey guys! Currently working on my first feature-length film. Been making shorts for years now, and I've always wanted to do something full-length. So here I am! I'm a film student at Wesleyan University, and I've been working with another student at New York University and a fantastic musician currently based in Minneapolis to write a really cool screenplay that we're super excited to film.

It takes place in the near future. Technology has penetrated the inner-most sanctum of the human experience... dreams are now bought and sold on the black market. It follows a young burnout couple, Sutton and Marie. When Marie is laid off from her job at the gas station, she and Sutton are plunged into the dangerous world of dream farming, putting their dreams of domestic bliss in jeopardy.

Y'all should check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/calliopefilm/

There's a teaser there right now, and we'll be launching a Kickstarter in March to raise around $6000. So stay tuned for the full trailer and project pitch!