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watch Broken Roses (Short Film) Rough Cut

Hey guys, I'm looking for all the feedback I can get on my short film titled Broken Roses. Here is the link to the rough cut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4psdhl9DSw

Premise: The film is centered around WENDY DAYE and her desire to never fall in love. When she was younger she made a deal with Cupid to take away her heart, Cupid reluctantly does so, fearing that Wendy is overreacting and making a huge mistake that she will someday regret. Wendy grows older and has ZERO tolerance when it comes to the guys in which she dates, she eventually starts to kill them once the relationship goes sour. This is all perfect in Wendy's world, using the guys she dates as mere play things, holding no feelings for them at all, that is until she meets HIM, and the odd feeling of love starts to rear it's ugly head once again...