Boston bound, new musvid, WORN, etc.

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Thanks Josh! Glad you liked that one. :) At the moment we're planning on taking 40 through Knoxville, then continuing on 81, which means we won't be anywhere near Pittsburgh. Boo. Otherwise I'd suggest we meet up.

Steeeeve! It's NOT a podcast!! :mad: haha. How could I not take on a song with a Goonies reference?
The video is pretty sweet. And just so you know, it's only a matter of time before I completely rip off what you did with the shadows/sillhouettes. :D
FP, that was a pretty darn cool video.
Looks like a whole lotta planning went into it.
I'm majorly impressed with the design and execution.

Very, very nice.
taking a quick break from packing the truck. I think it's all gonna fit. :D

Hey, I'm glad it struck a chord with you. :)
The song's lyrics really spoke to me on many levels and by the third time listening, the visual concept popped into mind. I started to think about those kid's nightstand lights, a zoetrope, and how to pull it off without much of a budget to speak of. Shadows and silhouettes were the answer.




paper and toothpick model

and we lucked out that the bassist's front yard was big enough to build the set. Definitely a fun time!
Finally landed at our place in Somerville, just outside Boston. Will be setting up the home office in the coming weeks, meeting with a few potential clients and settling in. Looking forward to getting back into the routine with projects and such. It's a nice time of year to be in New England. :)
This is the last of the outtakes and "bts" for MULLIGAN'S ISLAND. We had this projected onto a few white sheets during the wrap and premiere party. No audio.

Shadow Dancers & Silhouettes

Behind the Scenes​

And we attended a film festival down in Worcester on Friday where it was screening, so that was nice to meet and network with other New England filmmakers.

Updates at

Still, I could be busier and would love to find even a small prod company to work at. I'd like to think my skills (whatever those my be) would come in handy somewhere??? :rolleyes:
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