Audition Etiquette Question

Hi. I've just finished casting my film and I've encountered an issue I'm not sure how to handle. We had two people who really impressed us for one role. We went with the one that felt like a more natural fit for this character, but the other girl did several cool things in terms of delivery in the audition that we really liked. We're talking little quirks like making a certain unscripted sound effect with her mouth during a scene, and improving two extra words at the end of a line.

The more I think about those scenes, the more I want to incorporate a couple of those little things into our final version since I think they make the film better, but I'm not sure on the ethical implications of appropriating another actor's quirks when we didn't cast them. Obviously people don't own the ideas behind a performance, and they're working with my material to begin with, but I'm fairly new at this and am not sure how to proceed.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I see no problem at all with improving the two extra words.

When it comes to directing an actor to act like another actor .. you may annoy the actor you're working with.