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watch Assassin - short film

Hi all

I wanted to wait until we'd made something interesting before I posted on this forum as I'm a fan of the experimental work that gets submitted here. We've previously done a few comedies, but this film is a little bit different and I'd like to share it and perhaps get some feedback. It started as an experiment in lighting and creating ambience, but developed into a short narrative.


I hope you enjoy, I'm open to comments and any criticism. Especially interested in thoughts on sound as this was my area and it was 100% Foley.

Thanks very much
It's hard to know what to you think of it because since it's only 2 minutes long, there is only time for one main thing to happen. So it's hard to know what points or themes the film is trying to make. Unless of course there was symbolism going on I didn't pick up on.
He did say it's more test footage than actual story...

It's not bad man. Lighting was cool, a little dark for me though. Would have been cool if some of it was a little brighter and flickered as if it was from the candle.

Set design, props and costumes are great, well done.

I wasn't sold in the cutting the throat. It felt fake, almost too gentle. The slow-monmight actually be hurting it there.

All around, a cool look. Well done.
Okay no story, just test footage. Well then I'd say the sound and picture were captured probably well, but it's a little hard to tell since I'm watching it on a computer and not the big screen. Looks good from what I can tell though. The actual throat cutting could have been more realistic, with all do respect of course. Like if it were me, I would be struggling. The guy just stood still and took it, without moving much. The struggle makes it look more terrifying as well.
@harmonica44 - apologies, I think "narrative" was the wrong word to use in my initial description. "Sequence" would have probably have been better. Fair comment, there's no deep meaning or hidden symbolism, that I'm aware of... Or is there...? And yeah, the victim was a total fairy. Maybe he was expecting it...? Maybe not :P

@PaulGriffith - thanks for the comment, and: "...flickered as if it was from the candle..." Man, you're breaking my heart! What a simple and beautiful idea, oh cursed missed opportunity! Next time, next time. Also, the slitting of the throat, you're correct, you'd expect it to be a little more brutal, right? lol, totally agree. I think he just didn't want to hurt me (yes, I died).

@Abraxas Studios - cheers for the light and sound love man. Yeah, story-wise there wasn't much going on, one of the reasons I posted it in "Experimental" rather than "Narrative"... The second reason being that we were going boldly where we've never gone before, to a brave new world of manual focus, exposure settings and Foley sound. Huzzah!

Well then I'd say the sound and picture were captured probably well, but it's a little hard to tell since I'm watching it on a computer and not the big screen.

Good shout, man.

Thanks for all of your comments.
You can buy "movie" candles that have mutiple wicks(ms) so they are brighter. Or even use two candles for a key, with one candle opposite and further away as a fill?? Just an idea, might help.
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Woohoo, thanks Murdock! I was expecting a little more abuse :P

I think we used a single desk lamp as a key and no fill whatsoever. The single candle was useless as a light source, but we were shooting on a little old JVC SD camcorder. A better camera might have handled it better.

I like the idea of multiple wick candles though, perhaps that would give it an authentic-looking flicker.

Good tip, and thanks for watching, man :D