
I'm starting to believe that it was a joke at the beginning.
Kind of "If I could do one thing in the world, what would it be?"
I would have chosen to make a movie. It's been a dream of mine. Films were always in my mind. As a young child, from 8-11, I remember waking up at late hours of the night while the family was sleeping, sneaking down to the Main Room, and watching the foulest horror possible. It was pretty great doing something morally illicit. I remember the night I watched Sleepaway Camp, the film that was so conflicting to me. Horrors were my favorite. If you named it, I'd seen it. I'd have an opinion on it. I'd already though of an amateur sequel any average youngster could. I am grateful it did not rub off on my too much, because I cannot watch any recent blockbuster Hollywood horror without grimacing. When I was almost 13, maybe 14, I really got into Tarantino. I mean I REALLY got into Tarantino. I believed he was God and Pulp Fiction was my Bible. Not too long after my obsession, I realized "I've got a thing for movies, and the thing tastes so well." I had always been creative. Not with my hands, but I'd have some pretty original ideas. They weren't good, but they were definitely original. Tarantino only helped me progress my ideas and make them into something. My conflicting peers were all into the music. While they belched "Modest Mouse" and "Muse", I cried Ezekiel 25:17. I never looked to make anything. I never expected to make anything. Where I live, the only person who actually made it somewhere was Janis Joplin. I couldn't expect anything of myself. Not many others shared the same passion for Film as I did, so I was ultimately discouraged. I admit, I gave it up for a while. But I continued to dwell on my ideas. It didn't take long for me to stumble into the filmmaking of Kubrick. He really jaunted me back into my need to make something. He showed me how Abstraction and Ambiance makes film beautiful. That's my opinion. I really did grow out of the excessive violence approach of filmmaking. Of course, it's fun. But constant bloodshed does not a movie make. But Tarantino's dialogue is superior. So I have not completely abandoned him. But now, I am 15 and am attending high school. I've always had ideas, but I never actually engaged them enough to make a feature film out of them. It is really humiliating to use boredom as a reason for writing, but it's what happened. I started writing about two weeks ago. I thought it would be rough. I though it would take me long to make it in the least bit digestible. But right now I'm loving it. I've been coming home everyday after school, adding on, revising it, then going to sleep and doing the same thing over again. I'm doing great, in my opinion. It's been a great year for me in the way I've grown. My taste in music has completely changed and I've been listening to all the Ambiance. I've entered this group of friends that are all about free-thinking. We analyze things like society, religion, and emotions. It's definitely mirroring my work because I feel like this is a time that I am expanding what I think about life. I plan on completely making my films. Directing, writing, editing, cinematographing. I just have no experience with directing. I know I have time to learn about lighting and camera. I'm not very worried about it, I'm just ready for it. Tarantino's writing has really rubbed off on me. But Kubrick's directing is what I have my mind set on. I wouldn't show anybody my work yet. I feel like a filmmaker. I spend hours at my computer, writing what I think would appeal to myself, downing mugs of coffee. I really feel that life has more meaning than going to a job you hate everyday, a constant cycle of unhappiness. It is only seen as mandatory. I don't care about making money. I don't care about getting popular. I want to make something beautiful that will influence someone is some way. I want to make something good. That's the only thing that's motivating me right now.

I didn't read this entire block of text - to difficult to read - but
welcome anyway. Break it up into some paragraphs and I bet
more people will be willing to read it.

Have you made a film yet? Ot just planning to someday?
Quite an introduction. I almost got crushed by the wall o' text. ;)

But, you seem to have the passion! Welcome to the boards. :)

Would you like me to draw pictures too?


Just show a little respect to people by breaking up your block
of text with some paragraphs. People love to hear about your
aspirations and what drew you to filmmaking. Make it a little
easier on them and their eyes.
It's cool. For what it's worth I did get about halfway through your paragraph before giving up.

Just a little friendly ribbing as a means of making a point. :P