Are Arnold's and Sly's time over?

I dunno, next we'll be suggesting that Harrison Ford is also too old...

Oh wait. :lol:

The recent offerings I've seen from these action stars were all quite painful experiences. Watching old men trying to 'act' like they were in thier physical prime takes the attempted suspension of disbelief to another level, and failed each time.

To be fair to them though the scripts were rather poor too. I doubt any actor's performance could've turned those profits around.
*shrug* I thought they were both fine in Escape Plan. Sure, their age is showing a bit, but given the right kinds of role, who cares.
I liked The Last Stand. I thought it was fun. Silly, yes, but fun none the less.

They are both looking old though. I'd suggest that the roles written for them should start to take that into consideration.
they have done a lot of action stuff and are still going now, so its good to see its still intheir heart, especially stallone creating the expendables ( I haven't seen the films though), I think Arnie took the political route coz he was bored of acting, but maybe stallone gave him a kick up the ass and now hes enjoying himself again.
The Expendables would suggest that Stalone isn't done for.

As for Arnie, I wouldn't count him out, but his last two movies aren't a good sign.
the expendables movies are a guilty pleasure of mine. Yeah they are cheesey and bad but I don't watch them for the acting. my own regret is they killed off Van Damme.
They probably want to stay leading men. In the last 10-15 years, most "Hollywood" films have starred younger actors, mainly to appeal to younger audiences. There are exceptions, but it's hard to not notice if you look into it. There was a great discussion about it in the documentary "Casting By". If they age, they have to play supporting characters, which they're not used to. They can't accept the fact that they are getting older. They probably want to be young and hip, which unless you are a timelord (which some actors are...) you have to get facelifts, plastic surgery, Botox, fake hair, etc. It's too weird to me. It's so artificial.

We need more Christopher Walkens and Morgan Freemans. They seem to age much more gracefully :)
True, but Robert Downey Jr is in his 40's

An odd comparison - Downey in his 40’s and those two in their
60’s. Schwarznegger was in his 40’s when he made Total Recall,
Terminator 2, Last Action Hero, True Lies and Eraser. No one was
saying he was beyond his prime as an action here then. Stallone
was in his 40’s when he made Rambo III, Rocky V, Cliffhanger,
Demolition Man, The Specialist and Judge Dredd. No one was saying
he was beyond his prime as an action here then. From the late
1980’s through the late 1990’s while Stallone was admittedly
waning as an action star, Schwarznegger was still on top as an
action star.

All action stars get old move on. some make better choices than
others. Ford is a great example as is Eastwood. As Eastwood got
older so did his characters. I think one of the reasons “The Dead
Pool” was not too successful was because we didn’t want to see a
turning 60 Dirty Harry. So in his 60’s he did In the Line of Fire and
Unforgiven and that we wanted to see.

I think both Schwarznegger and Stallone would do better in better
movies. Nothing at all wrong with Escape Plan - I liked it - but the
general audience sees them as too old to be an action star like they
were in their 40’s.
YES! Clint Eastwood is awesome, but I don't know if he's still be the right pick for Dirty Harry :lol:

How about "Dirty Old Man Harry"?

As Eastwood got older so did his characters. I think one of the reasons “The Dead Pool” was not too successful was because we didn’t want to see a turning 60 Dirty Harry. So in his 60’s he did In the Line of Fire and Unforgiven and that we wanted to see.

One of my favorite 'older' Eastwood films is Gran Torino; "Million Dollar Baby" wasn't too bad either......

Of course, Eastwood can really act; Stallone and Schwarzenegger are glorified character actors.
An odd comparison - Downey in his 40’s and those two in their
60’s. Schwarznegger was in his 40’s when he made Total Recall,
Terminator 2, Last Action Hero, True Lies and Eraser. No one was
saying he was beyond his prime as an action here then. Stallone
was in his 40’s when he made Rambo III, Rocky V, Cliffhanger,
Demolition Man, The Specialist and Judge Dredd. No one was saying
he was beyond his prime as an action here then. From the late
1980’s through the late 1990’s while Stallone was admittedly
waning as an action star, Schwarznegger was still on top as an
action star.

No one knows anything, so no comparison can be odd. :D

All action stars get old move on. some make better choices than
others. Ford is a great example as is Eastwood. As Eastwood got
older so did his characters. I think one of the reasons “The Dead
Pool” was not too successful was because we didn’t want to see a
turning 60 Dirty Harry. So in his 60’s he did In the Line of Fire and
Unforgiven and that we wanted to see.

I think both Schwarznegger and Stallone would do better in better
movies. Nothing at all wrong with Escape Plan - I liked it - but the
general audience sees them as too old to be an action star like they
were in their 40’s.

I will watch Arnold's career with interest, given his accomplishments - he has also said (again) that he wants to change the constitution and run for President.
I'm looking forward to Rocky vs Raging Bull!

I suppose this would support Rik's argument about the importance of them choosing roles that are age-appropriate.

Anyway, no, I don't think they're done. I think Sly has a much brighter future, simply because I have considerably more respect for his acting skills, and overall filmmaking creativeness (writing/directing/producing).
I dunno 'bout y'all, but I'm really looking forward to Arnie's return in the next Conan film. :cool:


Looking forward to that! Before he got into politics, there was talk of doing a King Conan story...hopefully that's where they go with it. I did think Jason Momoa made a better's a shame the movie sucked. And Arnold became a much better actor than he was for the original films. Either way, I'll watch it!