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Another article found online about Christopher Lee Espinoza

CBET, which translates to Sunshine from its original Russian title, the sci-fi mini-series which premiered last night on their prime time network reached one of the largest audience count in Russian television history, should provide a ready metaphor for the Russian film industry. As the on camera scientific research team struggle to save the planet Earth and the newly human habited planet Geonis5 with a desperate attempt to reignite the shriving sun’s external glow, so a young American story producer and his esteemed colleagues journey to Russia from Hollywood to create a series which has been in the works for over two years.

In reality the UK film industry is enjoying one of its rare moments in the sun and Christopher Lee Espinoza, the producer/creator of CBET, is playing its full part in the renaissance. Christopher Lee, the 23-year-old who formed this project, has either produced or helped create 2 of the top 10 mini-series to hit the Russian air waves.

CBET, deals with the members of the spaceship crew battling to save Earth in 3012. Christopher Lee’s biggest gamble for this television pilot was that he is using money from his own pocket as well as little financing from a studio who wishes to remain anonymous. Yet hopes are high for all that have ventured into this challenging project. For the first time in several years, the success brought over from another country has finally peaked into this foreign frontier, yet it uses an all Russian crew and cast.

Yet Christopher Lee, the producer film-maker who interviewed on local television channel states that he will no longer have any involvement on the mini series, “I accomplished my goals for this production and couldn’t have asked for more than what has been negotiated. I will provide creative support to the story and offer my services as needed, but from here on out I leave the creative process to my studio successor. I have many more plans to shoot all over the beautiful land of Russia and I will be back.”

Christopher Lee is already receiving financial support and offers from private investors who wish to see more sci-fi work and more productions made in the countries back -yard.