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watch Anchor - Short Film

Someone likes Donnie Darko!

Nice short film, a few of the CU's were out of focus but it was fairly quick cuts so didn't matter so much.

I like.
I enjoyed it. Good example of what one can do with a cheap camera and some hard work in post production.

I'm not too sure if it was a cheap camera, but its a weird one, some of the images looked fantastic, and suddenly you got the odd focusing problem that I am pretty sure wasn't intentional.
I'm not too sure if it was a cheap camera, but its a weird one, some of the images looked fantastic, and suddenly you got the odd focusing problem that I am pretty sure wasn't intentional.

He said in the comments he was using a Sony HDR-XR500V. Not an "average" consumer video camera, but still, nothing fancy (under 1500$). Depends on one's definition of cheap I suppose.
hey guys, to be completely honest with you, the out of focus shots were intentional.
the film is about a dream (before inception came out lol).

i was trying to capture the essence of a dream and some of
the typical dream characteristics. sometimes (for me at least) visions of dreams can be some
clouded, thats why i tried playing around with the focus. i can see for some people it doesnt work.
im a little surprised. but good to know.

thanks y'all
Understood. You have to watch your intentional out-of-focus shots...they have to be super precise and in the proper place...because people will think you were sloppy with focus, and used your story as an excuse. I've seen it a lot actually. Where people were like, 'Well, he's waking up, and it's like he's coming out of the dream state.' And then you ask them about a shot later and they say, 'Well, he was making eggs, and the eggs reminded him of his childhood, and it was a hazy memory.'

Just be careful where you use the out-of-focus shots. Because it won't always read as a meaningful camera choice. Your out-of-focus shots worked...no worries.

I thought that was pretty dope. Some nice photography, colors, editing...for a freshman, it's pretty damn sweet.

I just wish it were a little less like Donny Darko. I mean, your lead actor even looks like Jake.
Thank god you didn't show the dude take off the mask and it was himself. I liked the black face underneath.

I really liked the tone and feel of the film when things started going backwards...the music was great there.

Nice work.
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I really liked the music. How did you get the cat to smell the apple?..just put it in front of him I'd guess. With the out of focus stuff you might try starting a little out of focus...that will get their attention and then go a little more out of focus. Then they will know it was on purpose and meant something. Just an idea. The beginning reminds me of Raising Arizona. Maybe its the "baby music". Nice film.