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advice please: my attempt at DAY FOR NITE

hey guys,
if any of you could tell me what you think about this I'd be greatful... basiclly I had to shoot it during the day, I did my best to block out the sky while shooting and hoped to figure it out later lol... later has come... please ignore horrible off camera audio....

SO is it decently convincing at all as night outside of a dingy old bowling alley? or is it total garbage?

There are several things you need to concider when doing night for day footage.

1. DURING THE SHOOT : Avoid sharp shadows. I suggest to wait for an overcast day, or put a thick tarp over the actors, to break up the shadows

2. In post, try to desaturate the footage, since at night there isn't any color, because... well.. there isn't much light lol

I did a day-to-night conversion several months ago:

Much better. The difference between the two is like... night and day...

sweet thanks guy! originally i had figured attempting to fake the bright amber street light look, but that was a bit (way) more complicated then i thought...the dead of night dark works just fine... thanks for grounding my imagination!

@knightly: yeah i DID notice that last night, but i couldn't figure out a way of loosing the shimmering look without making the rest of the image to muddy and dark looking...
what are you using to do the color grading? In final cut (and probably every other NLE out there), you can adjust a color corrector effect to just affect the highlights using a luma matte... in the corrector in FCP, it's in the twirl down at the bottom of the graphical interface for the color corrector filters.

In the Adobe world, curves would do that for you allowing you to lock off everything below a certain range and just pull down on the highlights a bit to wrangle them in.
@knightly i actually use sony vegas pro 10... yeah yeah i know it sucks lol but i started the project in it and by the time I realized I should have just used Premiere it was too late! I figured it was something to do with the curves...i'll mess around some more when i get a chance and post the results...thanks for the help though!
@zensteve :lol:

@OP, the first sample didn't do it for me, except for the wide shot of the house, that was great. The second clip was a huge improvement.

Ok, but am I crazy here? I thought the indoor shot still looks like daytime. The lights are cool and those curtains look very bright. IDK, maybe I'm crazy...