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vfx Add sunlight to video?

Google shows me flare effects. But I'm looking for something like what some smartphones can do now with stills. I did pickup shots of an outdoors scene that was originally sunny, but cloudy for the pickup shots. Any way to convincingly add sunlight coming from a certain direction? Or are we not there yet for video?
I want to say we’re not there quite yet, but hopefully I’m wrong.

Maybe you can do some tricks to help the shots sell better; but I imagine if there’s people within the scene, it would be super difficult shifting the sun.
It's tricky because even in the original scene the sun kept going in and out of clouds and there was no time to wait for it to be one or the other.

I can get maybe 80% of the way there with color grading. Upping the highlights and saturation, and taking out some blues. Maybe that'll be good enough for the people. I *know* whether the sun was out or covered, so maybe that clouds my judgment. (teehee)
You can add or subtract color, but you can't add or subtract shadows. The sunny day will have shadows and the cloudy days will be flat. So color grading is probably all that you can do, but it should look fine. Only you will know the difference.
You can add or subtract color, but you can't add or subtract shadows. The sunny day will have shadows and the cloudy days will be flat. So color grading is probably all that you can do, but it should look fine. Only you will know the difference.

yeah you can definitely mute the shadows though. there are things you can do to help match shots even if it wont be perfect.