
I don't want you to lose your place in line. [gazing at the surf] Oh, jeez, I wish you could see this … the lights coming up. I've never seen a painting that captures the beauty of the ocean in a moment like this......

This is your wake up call, pal. Go to work.
Do you mean the new movie.... that we shot in spring, 2012? :lol: No worries, Wheat; I'll just post the link to the roughcut:

Just kidding. (That was actually the TEQUILA link, but it doesn't show an image.) Let's see, if I said I was going to play a roughcut at IndieMeet, that would probably be enough to motivate you to finish in the next few hours! Now, take this motivation and run with it. :yes:

I'm totally looking forward to the finished deal. (deal? We'll, you know....)

BTW, nice job on THE HOT ROD!
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ah, scoopicman, it will be ready in time.. just a few more audio tweaks.. ... (well redo, but now that I know what I want its easy.)

My motivation worked! :lol: But, if you're feeling behind, I suggest you eat your Whe...Wheat....Wheaties! The breakfast of filmmaking champions.

Calling "The Long Road Out Of Town" Done too!

took me almost a year, but I finished two shorts in that time so not so slow when you look at it that way...

Thanks all for your encouragement..
(edit: Ack I just realised you had finished your work!! Congrats, here's still my two cents:

I advise you to get a friend and make him/her sit next to you while you work. Make the person have a clear view of your screen. That's the only thing that REALLY works when you want to get people to work.

Trust me, it's a pain... but the work will be finished in no time. ;) )