About time for me...

Hey all - Been hanging around here, off and on, for a while. Now, I'm back with a mission and getting more serious by the day about getting something creative done. I've been involved in full time media before (print publishing, internet content) and like telling stories and sometimes re-telling stories in a different context.

Winter has arrived here in Toronto, so I've got three or four months to get my project together and actually get something ready for the spring. A big thanks to all of you who are sharing your experiences and asking the questions that I should know to ask.
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So you starting with an idea in mind?

Sup, dawg? ;)

Too many ideas, actually. Two are probably too big to start with, but one is being written up anyway as a novella.

One is a "just right" starter that I can develop for fun. Not really sure what I would do with it after. Don't really know anything about festivals and all that.
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