A few Windows Movie Maker questions...

With the version of Windows Movie Maker that I use, I think I can pixelate a video image (it's one of the effects) but maybe not just a certain part of that image, like a person's face. About changing people's voices, you may be able to make the voice faster or slower if you use the speed up or slow down effect in a video segment with the person's voice. And you can adjust the volume. But that might be about it. I'm sorry if I couldn't be of more help.
Audicity ( http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ ) using a outside program to do your sound work it typically way better. the above is free and easy too use, i am sure you can figure it out, if not there are plenty that could help you get the sound you want!

as for the pixilation, to my knowledge, windows movie maker does not allow you too single out areas, i heard wax does, and avid free, but that's all i have HEARD.