A f911 like video.

LOGAN L Productions said:
I don't feel too strongly about this, but allow me to just explain MY understanding of why there is an electoral college:

...basically, it keeps New York, Texas, and Claifornia from choosing our presidents.

If there was no electoral college, then VERY few demographics would have any say in our leadership. The college gives the Alaskans, Montanans, farmers, etc. of this country a small chance to make a difference in the outcome. It sort of balances out the highly populated areas of the country, because, at least in my observances, people from the same area tend to think alike.

No electoral college=Californians, New Yorkers, and Texans choosing our leadership.

Do you see now how it CAN be advantageous to the nation?

Yeah, But you know what sucks about this. Is how Californians will know who is elected before we even close the polls.

They need to not let this information out untill all votes are counted. They said Al Gore won and people were turning away from the polls in California because they figured there was no point in voting. Then all of a sudden a reverse decision was made and I bet you anything had the announcment not been made that people in california who gave up may have in fact voted for Al Gore. Since California is a Democratic state now.
That is an EXTREMELY good point.

I forgot about that...

...but that could be solved by closing all the polls at the same "real" time (i.e. Western at 4, Mountain at 5, Central at 6, Eastern at 7)

...maybe...but didn't Gore win California in 2000? ...If so, then the electoral college would have actually helped that state. Seems like it was Gore...
LOGAN L Productions said:
Again...Zensteve proves that he is the King of all quotes.

Oh yeah?

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy." -- Ernest Benn

"You know what's interesting about Washington? It's the kind of place where second-guessing has become second nature." -- George W. Bush

LOGAN L Productions said:
That is an EXTREMELY good point.

I forgot about that...

...but that could be solved by closing all the polls at the same "real" time (i.e. Western at 4, Mountain at 5, Central at 6, Eastern at 7)

...maybe...but didn't Gore win California in 2000? ...If so, then the electoral college would have actually helped that state. Seems like it was Gore...

You're right he did. But i was watching something on CNN the other day when Al Gore was announced he Won because some reporter on CNN "screwed up" so all the other networks were saying the same thing.

So what happened was during this 30 or 40 minute period you had alot of people turning away from the polls. I believe it was only about 8:30 at night which meant california and arizona and nevada, oregon and so on all had another 3 and a half hours to go to the polling booths.

then it was announced that Bush won and all hell broke loose. I thought that was one of the most entertaining moments (as far as politics go) in my life.

Though I voted for bush and really felt Al Gore wouldnt have made a Good president, Im sort of Ashamed of myself and wish (Though it wouldnt have helped) I had voted Ralph Nader. I think I will this time. Everyone should vote Green this year. If All Moderate Republicans like myself and all Democrats voted green we would win. Then demand real changes on finding alternative fuel sources and tell the oil companies and the middle east to kiss our ass.

if it were only that easy.
I like the green's platforms, but Nader's ideas seem a little crack pot to me sometimes...They're either not plausable or not practical...I'm pretty sure I'm voting for Kerry (actually against the others...sad).

I'm pretty republican on most issues, but the party I agree with the most is the libertarian...they need some more politicians on their side!!!
Yeah, I rethought my statement and I agree with what you're saying about a police state. But thats what we live in.

But face it, Global Corporation is doing more policing of us then our Government can.

The problem here is Who really is our Government now, The Poeple of Washington (For those of us who are American) or City Bank?

If Paper money is no longer used and we all use plastic in the future its going to get pretty annoying when some places demand you show ID just to buy a Hamburger or candy bar.

its part of the system to know what you like so they can bombard you with product information that appeals to you most. Plus it makes a nice log of who you are and where you been.
King Goldfish said:
If Paper money is no longer used and we all use plastic in the future its going to get pretty annoying when some places demand you show ID just to buy a Hamburger or candy bar.

As a person who had his credit card information stolen, I appreciate it when clerks ask to see my ID when using my credit card.
King Goldfish said:
Why is it michael moore didnt talk much about clintons security advisers and how they lacked intelligence information when it came to the "Accidental" bombing of the Chinese Embasy in Yugoslavia or the Accident bombing of a bus full of bosnians when they were trying to flee the air raids or how Clinton decided to bomb a medicin factory in Sudan and killed an innocent Janitor during the Monica Lewinski hearing.

Actually, he does. Watch Bowling for Columbine.
And as for a reason that the patriot act is wrong, how about this:

People can be arrested without charges, not be allowed to consult with a lawyer, or anything else constituting due process. As the law is written now, Bush could have all registered Democrats locked up right before the election. Not that it would happen. Bu thet situation could happen TODAY and the U.S. Governemnt would stand behind it.

Imagine if Martin Luther King had been arrested because they thought he could be dangerous, given his criminal history due to his non-violent protest?

What if, instead of open debates, we just locked up "dengerous thinkers"?

That scariest part to me is that, if that happened, the majority of the country would probably stand behind it.
CommanderGoat said:
King Goldfish said:
If Paper money is no longer used and we all use plastic in the future its going to get pretty annoying when some places demand you show ID just to buy a Hamburger or candy bar.

As a person who had his credit card information stolen, I appreciate it when clerks ask to see my ID when using my credit card.

I understand your point, but think about how thats exactly what they want you to think.

and the weird thing is, who is to say that someone in Government or perhaps a secret group within the Government doesnt start stealing everyones ID and make bogus purchases so they can put everyone in a state of fear and then everyone will demand ID checks on every sale.

This is the problem I have. We are losing our privacy more and more with different approaches.
Euling said:
King Goldfish said:
Why is it michael moore didnt talk much about clintons security advisers and how they lacked intelligence information when it came to the "Accidental" bombing of the Chinese Embasy in Yugoslavia or the Accident bombing of a bus full of bosnians when they were trying to flee the air raids or how Clinton decided to bomb a medicin factory in Sudan and killed an innocent Janitor during the Monica Lewinski hearing.

Actually, he does. Watch Bowling for Columbine.

I did. And you're right, he does. But thats not damaging. I think he just threw it in to look fair and ballanced. He is a major supporter of the clinton/gore party.

He could do a whole series on Clinton. there are like 40 well known conspiracies (Which basically all this stuff he did on bush is.. most of it anyways).

Like Him talking about Fosters suicide, the White water scandall, Monika Lewenski and the 10 other ladies who came forth and said he fondled them while serving in the whitehouse.

I mean most guys would go to jail for a long time if a bunch of women said that he was groping them.

I think clinton would make a Good Mafia Don, because he seems to be like teflon when being accused of something.
Euling said:
And as for a reason that the patriot act is wrong, how about this:

People can be arrested without charges, not be allowed to consult with a lawyer, or anything else constituting due process. As the law is written now, Bush could have all registered Democrats locked up right before the election. Not that it would happen. Bu thet situation could happen TODAY and the U.S. Governemnt would stand behind it.

Imagine if Martin Luther King had been arrested because they thought he could be dangerous, given his criminal history due to his non-violent protest?

What if, instead of open debates, we just locked up "dengerous thinkers"?

That scariest part to me is that, if that happened, the majority of the country would probably stand behind it.
You know this is interesting. I was surfing the cable tv and some christian group was having a talk show and one of them said "My wife and I lived in Canada during the 1990s and that in Canada it is illegal for people to be open about their hate towards minorities or homosexuals" and said that he actually saw 2 ministers being arrested during a ralley for quoting from the bible.

Now I dont live in Canada and I dont know how much of the truth this guy was spilling out. Perhaps the minister said "All faggots should die now" that would probably violate a law in the US as well. but to say "God hates fags, Homosexuals are unnatural" or wishing death on people without intent to do harm is not illegal and is protected by the free speech ammendment.

But, if there is at least some truths that canada doesnt have the same liberal speech laws as America, then we are surely headed that way.
King Goldfish said:
I understand your point, but think about how thats exactly what they want you to think.

Ok....who specifically are you referring to when you say "they?" Who are "they" and why do "they" care that I show my ID?

I'm sorry, but I don't understand this ID paranoia. I could care less that a 17 year old making minimum wage is asking for my ID when I use a check card to buy a hamburger(it never happens anyway). Unless he's Rainman and can memorize my name and address and come to kill me, I don't see any danger or harm, or feel violated that someone is verifying that the name on my check card matches me. In fact, on the back of my credit cards, I write "See ID."

I think the only reason you should fear showing your ID is if you have a warrant on you, or you’re trying to do something illegal, or you're trying to pass off as someone else. I'm law abiding (besides speeding), so I'm not in fear of showing my ID.