405 filmmaker

Hello, all,

I am Bruce Branit. New to this forum. I've made a few huge viral films in the past and I've created some Emmy worthy VFX for film and tv in the past. I am on the verge of production on my first feature.

You probably saw 405. It was an early, defining Internet short from before the age of YouTube.


Then I did World Builder which saw similar popularity.


MyVFX company in Kansas City does a lot of tv VFX work including this:


And this:


This year I made this short teaser for an upcoming feature,


And this spec ad which just went viral last week,


Looking forward to joining and getting to know this community.

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Heh, I remember 405 going viral way back when. Very impressive feat, considering there was no YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or anything like that - and in order to get a film shown on the interwebs you either needed to have your own host (expensive!) or get it up onto iFilm or AtomFilms - both of which manually vetted uploaded submissions for quality standards. No junk allowed! :)

...anyways, 'sup & hello :cool:
I am a HUGE fan of 405 The Movie. I've been showing my VHS tape of that to filmmakers and students for years until it broke. Glad to see it on Vimeo in a format I can use today!