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2015 Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that as of July 1st, we are officially accepting submissions for the 2015 festival. For all the guidelines, rules, and links to submit you can head right over to our website.

Next year's festival will be the 34th annual and showcase hundreds of films from around the world. We try to bring as many filmmakers as possible to our festival to give the audience the unique chance to discuss the film with some of the people involved with making it. The festival also gives out several cash prizes each year to the winners of our Audience Awards for Best Documentary, Narrative, Short Documentary, and Short Narrative. We also throw some great parties!

Earlybird: October 6, 2014
Regular: Novermber 3, 2014
Late: December 1, 2014
Extended: January 5, 2015
Withoutabox Extended: January 9, 2015

If you happen to be a Minnesota filmmaker or filmed in Minnesota, you may be eligible for our Minnesota Made category, which allows for free submissions through our Late deadline.

Feel free to direct any questions towards submissions(at)mspfilmsociety(dot)org and I look forward to hopefully seeing some of your films.


Alex Wolf
Submissions Coordinator,
Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival