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watch 2006 Sundance short on Hulu

Excellent, no much to say the actor was great, the quality and visual was great, I see you have a few shorts whats stopping you from doing a feature?
Thanks guys.

Fireproof Gloves is low, low, budget feature I shot two and a half years ago and am only now waiting on the first sound mix. I don’t have many expectations for the flick as it’s quite a strange little movie and it’s the dreaded indie no-no… a drama with all no-name actors.

It’s the story of a dude in his mid-thirties who gets in trouble for allegedly getting a teenage kid drunk and stoned. It’s fairly dark material, but there’s some comedy if you keep an eye out for it and don’t let the horrible nature of the main guy overwhelm you. That’s one of many ways I may get burned – unlikable lead character. I’ve had some very good and some very bad test screenings depending on the audience. Hopefully at least one festival programmer will empathize. We’ll see I guess.

I’m happy with the look of the movie. I went for an extreme stylized, dark, sort of striking look for a number of reasons (the story being number one), but also to stand out next to all the no-budget indie handy-cam style movies flooding festivals these days. Plus, I just like that stuff.

In the meantime, I’ve actually been trying my hand at building a commercial reel.

But, the most important project to me is the feature version of Divorce Lemonade I’ve been feverously writing for the past three years or so. Basically it’s the story of a little girl being destroyed emotionally by her own parents. It’s a big project, so I’m trying not to think about how I’m going to get it made, but just getting it written the best it can be.
Thanks guys.

Fireproof Gloves is low, low, budget feature I shot two and a half years ago and am only now waiting on the first sound mix. I don’t have many expectations for the flick as it’s quite a strange little movie and it’s the dreaded indie no-no… a drama with all no-name actors.

I know how that is. We did the same thing with Cornelius. A drama with no-name actors. It's a hard sell. We were not able to get any distributors so we're just doing the DIY route and selling it ourselves.

Would love to see it when it's complete.
Can we PM on this website? If we can, PM me and I'll try to send you a copy when it's done.

It’s funny, I have several friend’s who have done pretty well by sucking it up and simply (not that it’s simple) making a genre flick, like a horror movie. And believe me, I’ve thought about it.

My trouble is, I know whatever project I go with (or more appropriately, whatever project there’s a slim to nil chance I’ll get money to make), I’m looking at a two to three year commitment. So unless it’s attached with a fat pay-day up front, I just can’t bring myself to live with a movie - I don’t particularly like and am pretty confident investors (or whoever) will lose money on - for three years.

Knowing that, I only want to make stuff I really, really like and with themes I believe in.

I’ve heard of many people doing the self distribution thing. It’s certainly an option I’m not ruling out. How’s it going so far and is there a website for Cornelius?

damn. it looks like my website server is expired.

You can see the trailer here

There is a PM link on the top right corner. If you're interested I can also send you a copy of Cornelius. The distribution thing is not hard to get it online, it's just hard to market. It's tough to get people's attention. We should have it available for purchase by the end of the year. It's been a long Cornelius road.

Website back up. Just had to do the auto renewal.

(I feel crazy)
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I'm one of the producers. My brother Giovanny Blanco directed it and his wife Sarah Thorp wrote the script. It was a very personal story and like you said it's very difficult to make a low budget personal drama and see any cash back. I'm just extremely happy that it's complete and we can get it out there for people to watch. It's really all about exposure right now. We just want people to enjoy Cornelius and move on to the next project.
If you want me to send you a copy just pm your address. I definitely want to see your project.