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  1. F

    American Savior Short (Would Love Feedback)

    Hey Everyone! I know its a burden to ask for input on any written piece, but my brother and I have been working on this story for quite a while and was wondering if anyone might be interested in checking it out and giving their thoughts on it. If you can't or hate the first few pages, then I...
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    Should I Send This Short to Festivals?

    Hey guys, Just finished this short, which took a couple of months. Was wondering if you guys would be willing to give your honest feedback. Trying to send it to festivals, but I'm not sure if it's good enough. What do you guys think...
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    Weird short dark comedy

    I wrote this pretty quickly, but would greatly appreciate feedback. Thank you and hope you like the piece! FADE IN: INT. OFFICE WAITING ROOM - DAY A young and serious-looking man named STEVEN BANNEKER sits in a reception area, confidently waiting to be seen for an interview. *He holds a...
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    Anyone Willing to Critique the 1st 22 pages of my Sci-fi drama/thriller feature?

    Hey everyone! I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in giving their honest feedback on the first 22 pages of my Sci-fi drama/thriller feature? I sort of wrote it on a whim, even though I've been pondering on it for a while. Here's the link...
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    Would someone be interested in reading this short script?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in reading a 30 page screenplay my brother and I wrote. We'd really appreciate some feedback from other writers. Synopsis: A small group of men find themselves in the middle of a dark forest being hunted by a mysterious army of...
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    watch Spec Piece - Advice wanted

    Hi all, My brother and I recently finished up a quick spec piece using storyboards. The piece is a scene in a larger TV series we are going to be pitching soon. I wanted to get your guys feedback on it and see what you think. To give some backstory, the TV series is Science Fiction...
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    Expert advice needed: Huge budget for film studio set up

    Hi all, I work as an in house video producer for a consulting company and we are interested in building a studio at our offices. I've just been given the task of building our studio with a budget of $25, 000. Now, I have an idea of what to buy but I want to make sure I'm being smart about it...
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    watch Is this a good Kickstarter Campaign video?

    Hey everyone, So, we're getting ready to launch a Kickstarter campaign. But, we're concerned about how effective it is in conveying our project. Do you guys think this video is good? Btw, this is just a rough cut. We still have to purchase the stock shots...
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    Is this funny?

    ext. house - night Three young 30-year old men are sitting on camping chairs out in the back yard drinking beers. Danny You know it's hard growing up, but uh..I guess I kinda had to when I realized he was actually a chick...Now, I'm havin a kid.(laughs)Eh, I'm a fuckin idiot. *I should have...
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    Is this pompous sounding?

    Hey guys, So once again, my partner and I are having an argument over this sales copy for our upcoming Kickstarter campaign. We both hate talking about ourselves, but we're well aware of the fact that people who fund campaigns want to invest in something that's going to work. Well, I wanted...
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    Casting Known Talent

    Ok guys so has anyone here had experience casting known talent? I'm not talking about super famous, A - List, I mean just someone who has some known films/tv shows under their belt. I have an idea for someone for a specific role, but I am unsure on how to get the script to them. Most...
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    Sales Copy for Bloggers and News Sources

    We're getting ready to Kickstart for a proof-of-concept piece for this pitch we're preparing for and part of that involves getting press. So I came up with this simple press release that touches on what we're doing and why our niche may be interested in this film (scifi/futurist crowd). I was...
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    Small Prision Infirmary - Need Lighting Advice

    Hi Guys, So I will be filming a short film that takes place in a small Prison infirmary. I wanted to get some expert opinions on lighting set ups for this. I want to evoke a "sickly" feel - standard florescent lighting, dry, sickly. Here is the space in question...
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    Finding a furnished house to film in

    Hi guys, I just had a quick question I wonder the producers on here could help answer. I am going to be shooting a pilot episode for a webseries in the next year and am looking for a house to shoot in. No one I know has any decent looking houses and I am stumped as to where I could begin...
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    Partner and I are fighting over this scene...What do you think?

    Hey everyone, So my partner and I are kind of fighting over this scene and we both can't seem to agree with each other, which is why i'd be cool to get your input on this particular scene. So, a bit of a back story. This is the beginning of the film. We show a dream sequence of a very...
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    Dreamers and Escape Artists

    Dreamers and Escape Artists How Global Warming Will Destroy Us as the Quantum Era Re-Builds Us. I’m a bit of an outlandish guy. Perhaps it’s because I’m completely out of my mind. Or maybe, I’m just a guy who thinks a little differently. After all I am a writer, but I’m also a futurist and...
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    Modern Bullshit and the Walking Dead

    Modern Bullshit and the Walking Dead: A Sobering Consequence of 21st Century Living The Walking Dead is an interesting franchise that seems to have consumers divided. You either love the show or you can’t stand it. Say what you want about the story and characters. We all have our opinions...
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    Poem I wrote for a girl...

    This is by far the dumbest thing I've ever attempted. I suck at poetry, but I need your honest input before I embarrass myself in front of her. What do you guys think of this poem? A Porcupine Mind I met a strange girl. She’s a one of a kind A porcupine mind. From the soul to her eyes She...
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    watch Above and Beyond the Robot's Life

    Hey Guys, Check out my latest video and please let me know what you think!
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    Something strange happened tonight...

    I got a little drunk tonight and suddenly decided to write a song. I've never written any songs before and to be honest, I know nothing about music. But, I came up with this and I'm not sure if these are good lyrics. Though it's not quite finished, what do you guys think? I went around...