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  1. S

    Star Trek Set Construction help in the UK

    Hello there! I'm currently in the process of making another Star Trek fan film, but I'm having trouble finding a space large enough to build the set in, any tips or helpful advice that anyone could give would be greatly appreciated :) Or any information about where to look for help, or websites...
  2. S

    watch Battle Legends – Episode 1 – A Cel-Shaded Short Film

    Hello there, my name is Leo Tierney and I have recently completed a short CG film that may interest you all called Battle Legends! 'Battle Legends' is an original story of two young gamers who, against their will, are transported back to a fantastical time with orcs, paladins and dragons, only...
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    watch Assassins Eye - A short film

    Hello there! I have just completed work on a short film titled 'The Assassins Eye' that I have been working on for about a year, comments are always welcome but I just hope you enjoy the film! 'Assassins Eye' is a short film created by Leo Tierney about an assassin called Jack (Dave...
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    watch DBZ Trunks and Vegeta Training

    Hello there! I would just like to show off my newest computer generated short film, DBZ Trunks and Vegeta Training, that I have made that is based around the characters 'Trunks' and 'Vegeta' as they train in a plane called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. This film is based on the anime series...
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    watch BartonCC

    Hello there! BartonCC by Leo Tierney is now complete.:yes: 'BartonCC' is a film about a computer shop that is located in a small town of Barton-Le-Clay, England and it follows the fictional adventures of two ordinary people as they enter the shop and get sucked into the computer games and find...
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    watch Lightsabre clone.

    Hello there me wee little laddies, Friend told me (little_fil) that I should post this here to show you guys, so here you go - Lightsabre Clone (Save-target-as") Techinical mumbo jumbo - All done in After effects. Was done about a year ago so please ignore the kidified look i have :D Sorry for...