Second Life

Several years ago I went a deep for a month or two... writing code, buying property.. but then, I looked up and realized my 1st life was less work! lol
Several years ago I went a deep for a month or two... writing code, buying property.. but then, I looked up and realized my 1st life was less work! lol

Lol. Amen. It is weird how it can hook you, though. I'm like, this is all fake and aritiface...but it has some mesmerizing power, too. I guess, for one thing, it's the eye candy; there are some awfully cool avatars. It's amazing what some people have done with them. I'm about to go look and see if any Second Lifers have figured out how to make Na'vi avatars. I'm sure I too will be looking up sooner or later (the sooner the better!). :P