My writing.

Good morning,

If you read my posts on this section, you'll see I've been writing on various story lines, most of which have nothing to do with each other. In other words, my writing is disjointed. But, for now, I like doing that, because, just as a pianist may enjoy pressing on the piano keys, so too do I enjoy typing on the keyboard. I've read the biography of Mozart, and I found out that, when he died, he was working on several compositions, and others have told me that they work on several projects at the same time, so I may be doing what others are doing.

With that in mind, I would like to post these bits and pieces, and, with your kind indulgence, have you encourage me - everyone needs feedback, and everyone needs encouragement.

Thanks for letting me write this out.
I'm a great believer in running several projects in parallel, as long as they're not competing for (exactly) the same resources. In principal, my logic is that when inspiration dries up for one, I have another to into which I can pour my energies; in practice, I regularly find that it's because I devote time to the "other" it un(b)locks the inspiration for the first. And on several occasions, I've found that two or three different creative strands suddenly come together to make a far more sensible and/or interesting whole.

Of course getting some of them - any of them - finished is a whole other challenge! :mope:
Congrats - i also believe in going where your creative energy takes you.
If that's mulitple projects, then go with it!

So are you gonna write a novel? Something that shows the interstellar war now that budget is no longer a constraint?
I have started writing the History of the First Interstellar War, but that has stalled ...... until later.

I have also started writing a trilogy of short stories about the story of Superman - the first deals with his escape from Krypton, leading to his adulthood in Metropolis and his confrontation with Lex Luthor; the second deals with his defending Earth against General Zod; and the last deals with his confrontation against Brainiac, when he enlists the help of Lex Luthor to defeat the Android.

This cannot be published yet, of course, but it will be the basis for my pitching to Warner Brothers - if nothing, it's a fun journey.

I have others, but they will be the subject of future posts. :)
I'm a great believer in running several projects in parallel, as long as they're not competing for (exactly) the same resources. In principal, my logic is that when inspiration dries up for one, I have another to into which I can pour my energies; in practice, I regularly find that it's because I devote time to the "other" it un(b)locks the inspiration for the first. And on several occasions, I've found that two or three different creative strands suddenly come together to make a far more sensible and/or interesting whole.

Of course getting some of them - any of them - finished is a whole other challenge! :mope:
Agreed 100!

My magnum opus is suddenly coming together, and I've written the basis for the story. Even though I'm also writing bits and pieces of other story lines, this one is my favourite, and I will be fleshing it out. After all these years, the story is finally coming together. I would like to test the basic premise with my mentor and others, to get ideas.

I'm very happy now, and, as always, thanks, everyone, for your encouragement.
Today is the Feast of St George. I'm writing bits and pieces on the retelling of legend of King Arthur, so, of course, I would be reading up on prior versions. Anyway, I was going to start the story from the fall of the Roman Empire, when the soldiers decide to stay and make their lives in Britain. This approach was done by the late Jack Whyte, who lived in my region, and I've got his works, among others. I was also going to integrate the story of St George, a Roman who killed the dragon that was terrorizing the villagers, and he would decide to stay and take the name of the locals, calling himself George.

I'm engaging in my passion, which is reading about just about anything, in preparation for the time I engage in my dream - I'm almost there, and I may want to do one more thing in law. If that is not feasible, then I will retire, and, once I leave my career as a lawyer, I don't want to come back, so I want to squeeze as much juice as I can from the lemon.

One last thing - I'm not talking about talking about filming; I'm writing about writing. 😁
I'll post some random scenes about my retelling of the Arthurian legend. This is not historical fiction but rather historical fantasy, because I'm playing fast and loose with historical events - there certainly were no dragons during the Roman era.


The breeze blew across the ships, which was refreshing to those on the decks. At the lead ship, Ardith stood at the stern, watching the approaching Brittania shore. She was only a Saxon because she was born among the tribes, but her origin was from Troy, when Lord Aenid fled with the others after the Greeks burned their city. While she spoke Saxon, she knew who her roots were, and she knew of the history, passed from mother to daughter, that they would never forget the treachery of the Athenians and Spartans.

She also knew of current history, so she knew that the Romans would later conquer those Greeks. And, she noted, history would now come in a full circle – the Greeks conquered the Trojans, the Romans conquered the Greeks, and, now, a Trojan would lead others to conquer the Romans.

On her left side was her attack dragon. Sitting on its haunches, it was almost as tall as her, and it was also watching the shoreline, undoubtedly knowing what was to come. Like all reptiles, it had green scales, and, like all dragons, it had triangular scales forming a line from its head all the way down the spine to the tip of its tail. On her right was Blacky, her medium sized dog with floppy ears, panting happily – it was always happy, especially when it was eating. In front of her, she was holding her daughter, now eight growing seasons old.


Her real name was Boadicea.

That was her lineage, from her great-grandmother, Queen Boadicea, who led a revolt against the Romans to protect her kingdom. That revolt failed, and she, along with her family – daughters and their daughters – were taken off to slavery. But one daughter was hidden, and, over the years, her line was kept hidden by officials loyal to their former regime.

She was the only one of that line left, and she knew her duty was to reclaim her rightful inheritance. That meant choosing a man who could be her king and rule over not only what her family held but over all of Brittania. She would choose carefully, and, to her, no warrior was more fit than the Centurion, Pendragon.


I'm doing research, which is also my complementary passion - collecting books and information. And please feel free to provide constructive criticism - emphasis on constructive - for my bits and pieces. Thanks once again.