favorite Favorite genres?

What are your favorite genres to watch and make? I usually like to watch sci-fi > action = comedy > horror.
Can't stand straight up drama. I find action movies to be the most fun to make.
What are your favorite genres to watch and make? I usually like to watch sci-fi > action = comedy > horror.
Can't stand straight up drama.

I'm pretty close to your tastes. As I've said before, sci-fi (imagination) and horror (suspense) mixed together is my favorite . I like it to have action scenes as well. So, sci-fi, horror, action, suspense/thriller, comedy and drama.

I can watch most anything, except musicals. When I was a kid watching Disney movies, I wanted to walk out, when the actors stopped the story to break into song! :lol:

I like some drama and arty stuff. I'm a sucker for a love story and for unique characters, like the ELEPHANT MAN. SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION is my favorite drama. What makes that kind of movie work for me is good character conflict (the Warden and head guard) and the best pay-off that I can remember in a movie. it wrapped up so many problems and it didn't feel forced.
I also like a little bit of everything. Generally, I dislike musicals, but there are even a couple of those that I like. That said, I do have favorites, and I think it breaks down a bit like this:


You can break it down even further from there. I'm more likely to enjoy a martial arts action film than I am one with machine guns. I like comedy as a flavor in other genres, but not so much on its own. But any movie with a dragon, a ghost or a spaceship I will love. By extension, a movie about chainsaw-wielding ghost dragons from space would probably be my favorite thing ever!