Distribution Call (taken from Shooting People )

Saw this on Shooting People thought it may be of interest -

Calling independent filmmakers
From: remy.kohli*at*gmail.com

REM Limited is a media company set to launch a TV channel to help Indie filmmakers get instant exposure to a large audience.

Real Movie TV will showcase your provocative work on a TV channel - a platform for raw, unblemished talent to explode on!

The special showcasing will be targeted towards people who love movies. Away from mainstream Hollywood productions, movies made by people and for people, capturing the true spirit of Independent cinema.

Great cash prizes of UKP20,000 and free marketing of movies on other TV channels will ensure passionate competition amongst the makers.

Launch date is February-Match 2006; on digital satellite TV where 8 million homes can see your work!

First deadline is December 11, 2005.
Your work can be a short, a feature, a documentary, a commercial or a creative montage! Submit early.

First 50 works selected will receive free EPG guide list on TV.

P.S. Some makers wanted to submit dvds first. Please do so if you want!

Contact Charles Denton for application forms:


Charles Denton
REM Limited

Phil Hobden
-- Moddern Life? --
RIP Michael Pillar. You will be missed!
The problem is called 'copyright'.

I certainly hope David Bowie is right in his prediction that in a few decades copyright as we know it today would not be recognizable and will probably be replaced with some sort of "Creative Commons"-styled solution.

I hate copyright as it exists today. Any doodle you write on a bar napkin is automatically copyrighted for 95 years. Copyright is an opt-out system that is totally controlled by lawyers, not the artists that create the art.

I know this little rant of mine will probably start a long thread of "copyright works!" posts, but I believe copyright isn't for everyone. It may work for you, it may not work for the next person.