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  1. WideShot

    After four years, our review on FILM THREAT...

    We're still quoting Cabbie around here!
  2. WideShot

    Fake the weather in a movie

    It would help to know exactly what location and look you are trying to emulate? In North Idaho we would have 6 foot drifts and -10 F in the middle of winter. Do you want heavy snow? That's pretty tough to do on no/lo budget. Can you maybe change the script and call it the first light snow...
  3. WideShot

    How to Create Interesting Shots: A Learning Thread

    I would love to see some discussion here about cinematography. Post a still or link to some of your favorite shot films and lets tear them apart.
  4. WideShot

    What did everyone think of Hanna?

    Your grading system is similar, but not exactly the one we used for our film festival judging system, and it worked very, very well. I'm not sure, but since I have been a gamer for awhile, I probably borrowed the system from a place like Gamespot or IGN. One thing we added though was that we...
  5. WideShot

    Back To the Future II shoes

    Whoa... heavy, Doc!
  6. WideShot

    top-list Top 10 Documentaries on Making Movies

    Magnolia's DVD has a terrific doc from beginning to end of creating Magnolia. Also, I remember when Peter Jackson was filming King Kong there were I believe daily video clips behind the scenes being posted to the web. I assume they all were compiled into a DVD extra or maybe they're still...
  7. WideShot

    Why is the type of camera given more attention than DP skills?

    It's human nature I suppose. The most obvious determining factor of the quality of the movie starts with the technological capability of the camera its being filmed on. Why does the layman not find the lenses more important than the camera? Back in the film days, the only real difference for...
  8. WideShot

    Loose Cannon wants to produce and fund your next project!

    Moved this thread to the proper forum.
  9. WideShot

    Online Festival Screenings

    Congratulations on your acceptance! One thing you have to watch out for, is if you have your film available to be screened over the internet that may disqualify you from entering your film into other festivals. (They can't build hype of a film people can download for free and watch before the...
  10. WideShot

    Have a Q about Film Festivals? Ask Here.

    And it sounds like you have experiences to share yourself! Work in Progress is quite common for films. See my answer above for more description. You should very carefully look to see whether WIP's are accepted, and if it is unclear from the call for entries, ask the festival in an email...
  11. WideShot

    24p is it really necessary?

    Use 24p for narrative filmmaking, some documentaries, 30p or 60i for NTSC TV or 30p for internet. Use 25p or 50 for PAL exclusive markets. If all you have is access to a good quality 60i camera then use that for a short but I wouldn't use it for a feature unless you are going to post it...
  12. WideShot

    Have a Q about Film Festivals? Ask Here.

    Festivals have a lot of specific ways they do business and make decisions. Because I happen to know and communicate with a lot of Festival Directors, I will not answer specific questions about film festivals inner workings which is not public knowledge. On the first, I can 99.9% guarantee it...
  13. WideShot

    What's it like to write a bomb?

    As much as I can, I try to stay up with many of the releases. It just echoes reality. You will bomb. Whether its a movie, a pitch, a presentation or a meeting, you will bomb and will do it most likely many more times than once. I like looking at Woody Allen's career. He's had less that...
  14. WideShot

    Have a Q about Film Festivals? Ask Here.

    It's probably better that way. Running a festival that requires seemingly endless fund raising, submission windows that are as far as 8-9 months for the event, negotiating contracts, graphics and websites, managing technology and supplies, maintaining and growing relationships and marketing...
  15. WideShot

    Have a Q about Film Festivals? Ask Here.

    Thanks indie :) Thank you for that :) Trevor is fine :) Sad to hear that as I had read and heard good things. We went the other way and shows films in a 550 seat historic theater and then last year a 220 seat historic beautiful theater, never making an exception to that because we felt it...
  16. WideShot

    Have a Q about Film Festivals? Ask Here.

    Hi Brooksy, I have lots more info, hopefully over time I'll think of more things that can help filmmakers to enter fests. To answer your question, I don't know specifics about the festival there, maybe you're talking about Beloit, who have made great strides in recent years, but I don't know...
  17. WideShot

    Best film festivals for new filmmakers?

    Burnsy, At this point in your career, any and all exposure and contacts will be a plus. There are in fact festivals that cater to first time filmmakers, one that comes to mind was "First Look Student Film Festival" although that has now been merged with Starz Denver, but there are others out...
  18. WideShot

    Why do some Film Festivals not take DVD?

    Firstly, let me be clear that well projected well produced standard definition DVD's can and do look excellent in a theater at 30' wide. The problem is, most DVD's are not well produced and there are many better less compressed projection formats available, such as the aforementioned tape...
  19. WideShot

    Have a Q about Film Festivals? Ask Here.

    After 6 years of running an international film festival, being involved in every facet, working with other festival directors, watching thousands of independent films, and screening hundreds, I thought maybe some of you might have a question to ask or two, that you might want the real truth on...
  20. WideShot

    Need Initial Investors for Horror/Action...

    Is that before or after deferments? The reason why money is put into escrow is so that no interest is accrued and there are exact rules put into place for access to the money and when it will be granted. Most prudent investors will demand this. If it hasn't even been filed yet, then you are...