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  1. M

    Indie FIlms

    Hey guys, I haven't posted here in a long time, busy with school and all, but I have a quick question and your help is greatly appreciated. My english teacher is letting us do a research paper on anything we want and I decided to do it on indie films that are breaking into mainstream...
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    Short I Saw On Sundance Channel

    Has anybody here ever seen this short called Trappedinfreedom. It was like 5-6 minutes long and I saw it on a short film collection on the sundance channel. It was really wierd, but very interesting to watch. Just curious what other people thought if they have seen it.
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    How exactly do you determine a budget? I'm not quite sure I understand it all. What things do/don't you count when figuring out how much your movie costs. AlterEGOconema said in his post that his film had a budget of 4 dollars. How does that work? I don't get what I should count when making my...
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    This movie has come up many times in the different forums but I was just curious about what you all thought. I've heard alot about Gaspar Noe, and I've heard a lot about the scene with the fire extriguisher. I went out and bought the movie and watched it and I found that the most unsettling part...
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    Anybody know of....

    any good screenwriting competitions I could enter?
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    Violent or Not

    Everywhere I look all I see is, "Quentin Tarantino and his ultra violent movies." I don't get it. His films aren't as violent as everybody makes them seem. They're somewhat violent, but not nearly as bad as some people say. I'm just curious if I'm the only one who thinks that or what? Cuz to me...
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    Suggestions for Film School

    I'm going into 11th grade this coming August and I really want to go to film school and learn about writing and directing movies. The first thing I wanted to ask is what should I do that will get their (film schools) attention? My school doesn't have many good extracurricular activities...
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    Man Bites Dog

    I recently watched this movie and found it to be pretty good. A little disturbing but overall i liked it. What did you guys think? Also has anyone ever seen this movie called Happiness with Phillip Seymour Hoffman. I heard it was really wierd, but it sounded like something i would like. What...
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    Just Wondering

    Hey everyone. I was just wondering what some of you thought about some of my favorite movies. Just out of curiousity..... Reservior Dogs: One of my favorites. Very cheap but nicely done. I have soo much respect for QT. Pulp Fiction: Again on the cheap side. QT has this knack for making a...
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    Is there anybody from CT on this site or is it just me and WeightOnWheels? ~Kyle~
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    Scary Movies

    I've always enjoyed a good horror flick ( :twisted: ) but i haven't seen one in the longest time. I'm really sick of Hollywood poppin out the same damn thing over and over again (they gotta be on the 101st Halloween). I was just wondering if anyone could recommend and good horror movies (that...
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    Just Saw A Good Movie

    I was curious, has anyone here seen SLC Punk with Matt Lillard. I really liked that movie and thought it was nicely done, and I was wondering what you guys thought about it if you've seen it? ~Kyle~
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    The F*Bomb

    I usually search through older posts, and there was one in particular that i noticed. It talked about how many of the movies today over used swear words. I agree with this somewhat. Poke said that we all swear in our everyday lives (i know i do) so whats the big deal. Do the people that get...
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    Screebwriting workshops or competitions

    I have a few quick questions for all of you guys/gals... 1.) DO you know of any good screenwriting/filmaking workshops I could go to? (I dunno if you have to be 18 or older to enter but as a heads up im only 16) 2.) Also do you know of any good screenwriting competitions I could enter where...
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    Editing Question

    This is a stupid question, but i have to ask because its been bothering me lately. How do you edit films using the editing software, if they're recorded on MiniDV (which is a small tape right?). Is it just a matter of downloading your film on to your computer and editing? Also do any of you have...
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    Special effects (i think this is the right forum)

    I think I'm posting this in the right spot. I've just been wondering. I'm working on my first script, its a short, and I'll be filming it myself. SInce I'm sixteen it'll be a no budget production, it will serve as more of a learning experience. So far there is a scene in which someone gets shot...
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    What the hell do I do

    Hey, I live in a really small town in Connecticut (North Canton) and and I'm trying to think of ideas for a screenplay. SHould I keep my ideas as simple as possible because I want to try filming myself? Or should I not worry about filming and just write the screenplay? If I do film it, since I...
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    My first script is made up of a series of flashbacks. Is there any particular way I should indicate them? Also, my main character is the narrator throughout the script. So when he speaks should I write his name and then indicate he's offscreen or that its a voice over, or should I just write...
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    Directors? Movies?

    I was just wondering if anyone here haa a favorite (or a few) directors they like? WHat about movies? Does anyone here have a favorite movie? I'm partial to Quentin Tarantino, David Lynch, and Sam Peckinpah myself. Some of my favorite movies are Reservoir Dogs (Tarantino) Fight Club (Lynch) and...
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    Screenwriting Software

    I'm really anxious to get going on my first script, but I don't have any screenwriting sofware. My birthday is in Feburary so do you think it would be worth the wait and get the software then because I don't have the hundred-something dollars to spend right now ( I'm only sixteen). I tried...