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  1. T

    Welcome Post

    Haha not really, I've only met about 4 other Ashers in my life.
  2. T

    gear-related Storage workflow advice?

    Hey Nate, thanks! I'm glad to hear that I'm not way off in my approach. Your system is what I aim for when I can afford it. Definitely agree with your point about compressing older projects. I'm paranoid about storage failure too, ultimately I reckon I'll go with the above set-up as I do not...
  3. T

    gear-related Storage workflow advice?

    Hi, lengthy post here. I’m looking for a second opinion on my storage plan, would love to hear people’s thoughts. I’ve only started to look into storage solutions in the past 2 weeks. And I’m a student, on a student’s budget. I’m willing to spend up to $1000-1500 AUD. Previous system: I stored...
  4. T

    Welcome Post

    Hi, I'm Asher. I'm in 3rd year at film school, and have been making my own short films for 10 years before that. I've only started to get my head around the technical side of things in the past year or so, and I want to talk to people about technical stuff - and film in general. This looks like...